French-Current (FRANCE) spell checker Dictionary 1.0.20140615.1webext

Licenza del codice sorgente

CC BY-NC-SA v4.0

License :    Creative-Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA
version 4.0 --

The creative common hereby license protect the Firefox's add-on. (fr-FR-current-dictionary-20140616-no_restart.xpi) (1.0.20140615) named 'fr_FR-Current spell checker Dictionary'.
This license lets others (YOU) remix, tweak, and build upon your (MY) work non-commercially, as long as they credit you (ME) and license their new creations (Add-on) under the identical terms.
Also If you do your own work based on mine (This Add-on) please do use another icons for your Add-on(s).

NOTE: French Words are under the public domain so do the .dic & .aff files within.