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Thanks to the author for his quick reply to my last post.I've continued using/testing this add-on since then, and all aspects of cookie management are well processed. Icons moreover are an enchantment not only for the eyes but in their first duty which is to be relevant of their symbol. Coding an add-on is already not an easy job, but I think adapting an old extension is even tougher. Hence, bringing 'CS Lite' to a re-birth in a clear, no-confusing "fluent" cookie manager is a challenge I think here has been (is) well considered. I'm sticking on this one in its category, because it is well thought and not confusing (when one knows that cookies can lead to misunderstandings). May the author keep on with this nice re-make which in a way is almost a new baby.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente ( del componente aggiuntivo. 

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Works nicely.
Just one option I don't understand : "Block untrusted hosts that are allowed". I've been dealing with cookie issues for years, but I just don't understand this point!

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente ( del componente aggiuntivo. 

"Block untrusted hosts that are allowed" is setting to be related to automatic update of Blocklist, but it doesn't function anymore.
Therefore, this setting is meaningless. Please ignore it.
I delete this setting by the next release.