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Génial. Bien meilleur que le carnet d'adresse natif Thunderbird, toujours limité à 2 adresses e-mail.
Ici le standard VCF semble être parfaitement respecté.
La synchronisation Owncloud marche parfaitement. Les adresses e-mails sont proposées en auto-complétion lors de l'écriture des e-mails.
Depuis la version 2.7, une synchronisation incomplète peut être reprise en forçant une nouvelle synchro.
J'ajoute que le développeur est très réactif en cas de problème. C'est un plaisir.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.7) del componente aggiuntivo. 

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This is just what Thunderbird lacks since 2002. A REAL address book. You can even synchronize it with cardav address books.

I found this as an alternative to this bug :
(no more than 2 e-mail address per contact in the native thunderbird address book).

I would like you to know that synchronization with my Owncloud 8.0.4 on a Debian with Nginx web server is not complete. I have 670 contacts and only around 50 were synchronized. The log file says many messages like this :

2015.09.21 08:48:03:147 : : Can not get

I don't know why.

Thanks anyway.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.5) del componente aggiuntivo. 


I use owncloud too without any problem at all (with this :

have you got a way too see what is under this path : ? or if this card exists : ?

you can email me here : cardbook.thunderbird (at)