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Seems the OPML import file has to be xml format.

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First. Version 2.3.2 of Bamboo Reader is listed as supporting tb 3.0 - 38.* However, it seems to install on tb 52+. Is this an oversight or is the extension not supposed to work on the most recent tb versions?

Second. When trying to import an OPML file I get:

Configuration: Bamboo V2.3.2 - Thunderbird V52.0 - OS WINNT

Exception in "browse":
Component returned failure code: 0x8050000e (NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) [nsIConverterInputStream.readString]
<a href="" title="Linkify Plus Plus" class="linkifyplus"></a>

Is this a bug or is there a special way to import feeds?

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Thanks for the reply. As mentioned, I'm using 2.1beta4, however, I don't see options for increasing font size, just three options for changing density - Comfortable, Cosy and Compact - but these seem to do little other than change line spacing. Are there other settings?

As far as creating a stylesheet, I have no problem doing that, however, would it be possible for you to provide the names of the selectors.

Thanks again

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente ( del componente aggiuntivo. 

There is no other option to change the font size except using the zoom feature.

Sorry but i could not help all users to do specific customizations. (you could inspect the page nodes with Firefox)

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I really like this add-on, so much so, I'm now using it in preference to RSSOwl, which I've used for years.

That said, I'd really appreciate the ability to increase the font size in the news pane.

Also, as an aside, I'd also like the ability to remove the 'glow' property used to highlight the selected feed and instead change the feed name to a different colour

Currently using 2.1beta4 on Thunderbird/Arch Linux

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente ( del componente aggiuntivo. 

The new version 2.1 (beta at this time) allows to display larger or smaller fonts. (or you could use the Thunderbird zoom feature)

For specific style change you could use your personal style file: see userContent.css with @-moz-document url("about:bamboo") { ... }