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Utente da Marzo 15, 2008
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 0 componenti aggiuntivi
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Le mie recensioni


Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle

The add-on works perfectly in expanding the glass title bar area to allow for larger Persona images. The installation process with Jetpack (restartless add-ons) was great.

The uninstall process on the other hand is not as nice. I increased the size and then uninstalled the add-on. Ideally with the add-on uninstalled it would have removed the extra spacing but that wasn't the case. (This may be a technical problem, but since I imagine it's editing the CSS it's difficult to change back without the add-on installed.) What was really bizarre is after uninstalling the toolbars context menu only showed the "Tabs on Top" option and none of the others so I could not show the add-ons tool bar or change any of my other ones. All went back to normal after a restart.

Speed Dial

Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle

This is a pretty good, basic speed dial add-on. It has more features than Fast Dial but still doesn't give you a fully customizable experience. For that I'd give it 3.5 stars for being functional but not particularly innovative.

The biggest problem is that you have one option. You have a grid of X by Y thumbnails but you cannot have thumbnails of varying size on the same tab. Nor can you have anything besides a basic thumbnail / user defined image of a page.

I think more customization is important. I think some sites should be viewed as thumbnails updated every X hours but some should just be fav icons or titles. I think different sized entities should exist under the same tab and you should be able to sort at will and then "snap to grid".

I imagine a home page where the upper left quadrant has 4 thumbnails of frequently updated pages I visit each updating the URL every 10 minutes. On the right hand 10% of the page is a line of fav icons running from top to bottom grouped under "titles" splitting up my "event calendars" from my "daily news reads" to my social networking". The content is not updated dynamically but it's a list I create of places I go indicated to me by a fav icon and title which take up little space. You'd have the ability to choose different sizes for any of these items and then Lock them in place. This would allow any user to create a very dynamic--and personal--home page rather than just a rectangular grid.

If you're looking for a basic Opera style speed dial this more than delivers. If you're looking for something more to give you a customizable and dynamic home page this doesn't deliver as well as it could.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.9.5) del componente aggiuntivo.