Compiling, Writing and Sending Emails
di AltanaESP Pty Ltd
Informazioni su questa raccolta
Employing emails as the primary source of communications and record keeping, the add-ons in this collection provide a way of doing so more constructively and productively.
17 Componenti aggiuntivi in questa raccolta
Mail Merge
di Alexander Bergmann
74.711 utenti
Create and Save or Send Multiple Individual and Personalized Messages from a Draft
Nota dell’autore della raccolta The Mail Merge add-on gives you the the function to personalise emails by merging an email message with address book entries and lists. This add-on is very handy when you would like to bulk send personalised emails to all individuals on a specific mailing list or in a specific address book.
Invia Dopo
di Jonathan Kamens, Jonathan Perry-Houts
111.467 utenti
Vera funzionalità “Invia Dopo” per Thunderbird che consente di programmare l'orario di invio dei messaggi di posta elettronica
Nota dell’autore della raccolta An add-on not frequently used, is the Send Later add-on. But once in a while it is handy to have the ability to schedule the sending of emails. Specially in cases where you prefer email sending and delivery to be on a certain date and/or time in the future.
di John Bieling
127.767 utenti
Quicktext is an extension for Thunderbird that lets you create templates that can be easily inserted into your own emails.
Nota dell’autore della raccolta The Quicktext add-on is useful in the sense that it allows one to pre-define paragraphs, different email (document) sections and proforma letters using variables that is replaced by the address book information of the individual the email is intended for. Quicktext has a much better customization ability than the standard Thunderbird template function. It is easy to customize and individualise emails with the aid of the Quicktext add-on.
Signature Switch
di Achim Seufert
55.577 utenti
Switch the signature on/off or choose a new one from your predefined set.
Nota dell’autore della raccolta This Signature Switch add-on, allows you to create and save a number of different email signatures. When you tend to use emails as your primary source of communications, it implies that you often have to "sign" emails differently due to various email contexts. This add-on makes it easy to quickly select the signature that is relevant to or suitable for the email you are writing. Another, less known but very handy, feature of the Signature Switch add-on is to create email signatures files that contains data which can be randomly displayed just below your official signature. The latter function is handy when you wish to display random, e.g. quotes, at the bottom of your email.
di Arivald
997 utenti
Extension to mimic Outlook Express Stationery.
Allow you to use HTML files as templates for mail. Also allow custom template in replies or forwarded mail!
Nota dell’autore della raccolta With the Stationary add-on, you are able to predefine particular email layouts and themes for specific purposes, particular context, occasions and or events. The Stationary add-on allows you to select the "stationary" you would like to use when compiling an email (e.g. different stationary templates for different companies or departments for instance).
Check and Send
di H.Ogi
19.487 utenti
Check the message contents and addresses before you send the message...
Nota dell’autore della raccolta In the rushed, hustle and bustle of everyday life, it frequently happens that an email is compiled in a hurry and some important aspects, such as addressing the email correctly, gets overlooked. The Check and Send add-on, provide you with the opportunity to finally check and confirm important emails details, before finally sending the email. This add-on, at times, can be a bit annoying, but it is much less that the frustration that you experience when you send of an incorrectly addressed email containing sensitive content.
Auto Compress File
di TrVTrV
102 utenti
Compressor for attachment files. All platforms are supported (Windows, Linux and Macintosh).
Nota dell’autore della raccolta Sending large email attachments or files with a specific file extension, often result in delivery problems with that email. Specifically attached file sizes exceeding 5MB. The Auto Compress File add-on gives you, when sending an email with an attachment larger than 1MB, the option to either zip the file or share the file via a file sharing cloud services such as Dropbox. Quite a handy feature is that it "checks" files sizes and "warns" you when attachments exceeds a certain pre-set file size limit. To effectively send and use cloud sharing of larger files, the Dropbox for Filelink add-on should also be installed.
Afrikaanse speltoetser
di Dwayne Bailey,, altri
1.465 utenti
Afrikaanse speltoetser vir Mozilla Firefox en Thunderbird
Nota dell’autore della raccolta Use the Afrikaans spell checker when you often compile emails in the Afrikaans language. This spell checking add-on is very handy to avoid unnecessary "slips of the keyboard" mistakes. It contains a comprehensive Afrikaans dictionary and a handy tool to have in one's email compiling toolbox. I have been using it for a quite a while now and have to admit that only on rare occasions, I need to add a word to the existing dictionary.
Address Close Button
di 46emak
247 utenti
Adds a Address Close Button to mail compose window.
Nota dell’autore della raccolta Cleaning address field is just a little bit easier with the Address Close Button add-on. Instead of selecting and then deleting recipients, with this add-on you only click on the x to accomplish the same task. The Close Address Button add-on merely saves you a few keystrokes. But when dealing with a lot of emails during a week, these little time savers tends to add up at the end of the day.
Subject Manager
di TrVTrV
96 utenti
Manages subject of composed emails.
Nota dell’autore della raccolta One of the major frustrating issues in receiving emails is the subject line that often is merely re: reply, some meaningless text or - worse - empty subject lines. Quite often subject lines are generic or standard in nature, when describing the context of an email. The Subject Manager add-on allows you to pre-define "standard" subject lines that you most often use, and which can easily be selected when required. The Subject Manager add-on and the Reject Button add-on, can be a useful combination for one's efforts to root out poorly constructed emails that wastes time and effort.
TitleCase For Thunderbird
di Joshua Pack
201 utenti
Transform strings into Title Case, Proper Case, Start Case, Camel Case, Upper Case, and Lower Case. Highlight your text and only changing what you highlighted.
Return Receipt Toolbar Button
di Leszek Życzkowski
128 utenti
Allow you to add a Return Receipt button to mail compose window toolbar.
Select Address Book Text
di craigm
38 utenti
Copia e incolla rapidamente dalla rubrica di Thunderbird un nome, un numero telefonico, un indirizzo o altro, usando un unico click sul menu.
Reply Monitor
di Lin
1 utente
**This is NOT COMPATIBLE with Thunderbird 31 or newer versions**
Keep track of your emails and replies (Lightning is required).
Note: the name of this add-on has been changed to Reply Monitor because the previous name is a registered trademark.
SmilieInserter Plus
di Throoper
17 utenti
Insert smilies in messages.
Nota dell’autore della raccolta The SmilieInserter Plus allows to easily illustrate emotions and feeling with animated gifts, pictures or graphics. Since emails often is an important means of communication, this extension allows for a human touch to emails.
Che cosa sono le raccolte?
Le raccolte sono gruppi di componenti aggiuntivi che ogni utente può creare e condividere.
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