Verse Press

Informazioni utente

Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome Verse Press
Località Chicago, Illinois, USA
Lavoro Software Developer at Verse Press
Pagina principale
Utente da Gen. 22, 2011
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 1 componente aggiuntivo
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Qualche dettaglio in più…

The Verse Press ( early Christian document search engine.

As a Verse Press developer I am able to explore religious and Biblical documents in ways never before thought possible. In the age of information we believe Christianity is facing new challenges- we would like to come along for the ride. Will you let us join you?

I componenti aggiuntivi che ho realizzato

Verse Press

A Better Bible Search
Adds the Verse Press biblical and religious search engine to your favorite search engines.

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Le mie recensioni


Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

This is a must-have for daily internet users. Superb work by great people with whom I have had the privilege of working with during the NKS Summer School of 2009.