Ben Park

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Nome Ben Park
Utente da Gen. 26, 2010
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Le mie recensioni

Google UK - the web

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

YES! I seem to have spent ages fighting with it.
The other UK-ones (because they only return UK results), fail to recognise that Wikipedia even exists.
BUT with the default Google search set on Firefox, when you search for "apple imac", you get a load of US prices in the shopping section.
This resolves those issues.

Google UK

Assegnate 2 su 5 stelle

This isn't as good as the old Firefox that let you search with, because it doesn't recognise Wikipedia, for example.
Try it yourself - search for Wikipedia. It doesn't find it.
Knowing it doesn't work with this, makes me wonder what else it isn't finding. Not helpful.