
Informazioni utente

Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome @SouthOkanagan
Località South Okanagan, British Columbia, Canada.
Lavoro Business Owner/Sole Proprietor/President, CEO, COO, CFO, CMO & CIO/Computer Technician/I.T.
Pagina principale https://www.facebook.com/SouthOkanagan
Utente da Set. 29, 2014
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 1 tema
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Qualche dettaglio in più…

Self Employed business owner.
Computer repair, networks, custom system builds and more.

A devout Mozilla Firefox user through the years, I highly recommend my clients use Firefox over Chrome.
Once a client uses Firefox I introduce them to the add-ons page for Ublock Origin, different themes and other add-ons they might like.

Le mie recensioni

Windows 10 Hero Dark

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

I like it!
It's simple and sweet and sharp!
Dark with light lettering seems to be the best colour mix for laptop screens, at least for my eyes anyhow!
If you/this dude makes more themes, I'll definitely download and try them out!

White Glossy Look

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

A simple, classic, clean and sharp look!
This one's a MUST HAVE in your collection, I use it often along with a select few other ones that I like, I try not to keep too many themes or addons in my list so not to clog things up in the browser, but having a few themes you like won't hurt, afterall, they're not active or slowing down the browser in any way if they're just sitting there in disabled mode.
Add this one to your collection of most used addons, you won't regret it!