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12 versioni
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Queste versioni sono visualizzate solo per scopo di test e archivio. Dovresti sempre utilizzare l’ultima versione di un componente aggiuntivo.
Versione 2.1.2
* Mark as multiprocess-compatible
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza Mozilla Public License, versione 1.1
Versione 2.1.1
* Tweaked a submenu name
* Removed the following since they did not seem to show anything:
1. about:downthemall
2. about:sync-log
3. about:sync-tabs
## 2.1.0
* Added A-C, D-M, N-R and S-Z subcategories
* Added support for:
1. about:about
2. about:accounts
3. about:addons
4. about:checkerboard
5. about:debugging
6. about:devtools-toolbox
7. about:downloads
8. about:downthemall
9. about:healthreport
10. about:home
11. about:networking
12. about:newtab
13. about:performance
14. about:permissions
15. about:preferences
16. about:profiles
17. about:serviceworkers
18. about:tabs
19. about:telemetry
20. about:webrtc
21. about:welcomeback
* Removed support for SeaMonkey, Sunbird and Instantbird
* Removed:
1. about:accessibilityenabled
2. about:icecream
3. about:jetpack
4. about:kitchensink
5. about:search
6. about:shopping
7. about:weave
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza Mozilla Public License, versione 1.1
Versione 2.0.4
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza Mozilla Public License, versione 1.1
Versione 2.0.3
* Update for Firefox 47 and later, since Application <dot> id is no longer available (Thanks :mnoorenberghe)
* Add LICENSE, README <dot> md, package.json files for new GitHub/jpm workflow
(2.0.2 was an internal release to test the jpm workflow)
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza Mozilla Public License, versione 1.1
tag: tip
user: Gary Kwong
date: Tue Mar 22 02:39:33 2011 +0800
summary: Bump to 2.0.1 as this is a perf hotfix along with various maxVersion bumps.
changeset: 10:729b7963279d
user: Gary Kwong
date: Tue Mar 22 02:38:45 2011 +0800
summary: Fix a perf issue where ViewAbout will cause performance regressions in Firefox 4 beta and RC. Thanks go out to harry for his tip.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza Mozilla Public License, versione 1.1
Versione 2.0.1-signed.1-signed
Changelog for version 2.0:
changeset: 9:b7d302f15a7f
tag: tip
user: Gary Kwong
date: Wed Apr 21 16:46:42 2010 +0800
summary: Bump version to 2.0.
changeset: 8:277df1f88014
user: Gary Kwong
date: Sat Apr 10 14:01:50 2010 +0800
summary: Support Firefox 3.7a5pre.
changeset: 7:d3f4be6921f8
user: Gary Kwong
date: Mon Apr 05 10:10:09 2010 +0800
summary: Bump version to 2.0pre.
changeset: 6:3207cef199c9
user: Gary Kwong
date: Mon Apr 05 00:01:10 2010 +0800
summary: Append 'MenuPopup' to menu_viewAboutCache and menu_viewAboutLicense menupopup ids.
changeset: 5:b33b965a0bc0
user: Gary Kwong
date: Sun Apr 04 23:59:39 2010 +0800
summary: Move error messages into another submenu dropdown and move to the bottom.
changeset: 4:4bf4fe011cd9
user: Gary Kwong
date: Sun Apr 04 23:46:15 2010 +0800
summary: Add support for about:accessibilityenabled, about:certerror, about:icecream, about:jetpack, about:kitchensink, about:logo, about:me, about:memory, about:search, about:shopping and about:support.
changeset: 3:0f30efce887a
user: Gary Kwong
date: Sun Apr 04 23:19:44 2010 +0800
summary: Add Wayne Mery (wsmwk) as a contributor for suggesting the access key change.
changeset: 2:0191a4f8a79f
user: Gary Kwong
date: Sun Apr 04 22:33:57 2010 +0800
summary: Change default access key of ViewAbout to 'w' instead of 'i', change suggested by Wayne Mery (wsmwk).
changeset: 1:c9d32a6455d3
user: Mark Banner (Standard8)
date: Sun Apr 04 22:26:50 2010 +0800
summary: Add suggested changes to make ViewAbout open tabs in Thunderbird instead of windows.
changeset: 0:f620d752901c
user: Gary Kwong
date: Sun Apr 04 22:07:54 2010 +0800
summary: Add ViewAbout 1.5 to the Google Code hg repository for a start.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza Mozilla Public License, versione 1.1
Versione 1.5
* Fix up ViewAbout's JavaScript code to pass security validation.
* Re-enable about:neterror for those who love it for complete-ness' sake.
* Add support up to Firefox 3.7a1pre.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza Mozilla Public License, versione 1.1
Versione 1.4.2
* Fixed up nit in 1.4.1.
Fixes in 1.4.1:
* Now supports Instantbird 0.2 and up. Thanks Nils Maier!
* Tidied up contributors section.
Versione 1.4
* Auto-detection for available about URLs in current application
* Support for access keys in menu
* Some code re-factorizations to reduce redundant code
Huge thanks go out to Dave Garrett for contributing this version.
Versione 1.3
- Supports Sunbird 1.0pre and above.
- Added more about: pages - about:robots, about:sessionrestore, about:privatebrowsing, about:rights
- Moved out doLoad and doUnLoad into a separate javascript file to reduce duplicate code.
Versione 1.2
- Supports Thunderbird 2.0 and above.
Fixes for 1.1 (never released outside of sandbox):
- Adds about:, about:cache, about:cache?device=disk, about:cache?device=memory and about:cache?device=offline.
- Removes Mac file metadata.
- Fixes error console error that popped up whenever an about: window is opened.
- Miscellaneous minor fixes.
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