BestReply is an add-on that aims to improve users’ experience by providing quick services to the user such as summarization of emails, response generations, as well as a smart chat with our AI model based on the email they are reading.
BestReply is an add-on that aims to improve users’ experience by providing quick services to the user such as summarization of emails, response generations, as well as a smart chat with our AI model based on the email they are reading.
Informazioni sulla versione
Versione 1.2.0
238.9 KiB
Compatibile con
Thunderbird 78.0 e seguenti
Release 1.2.0:
Bug Fixes:
- fixed an issue where some emails would throw an error when summarized - fixed an issue where the error message would not contain any information - when a user has multiple mailboxes added to his Thunderbird, when he selects the 'Use In Reply' option, the mailbox that owns the email where the action was invoked from is automatically assigned as the replier, instead of the default mailbox that the user has assigned to the Thunderbird application.
- users can now select the 'Use In Reply' button from the 'Custom Interactive Response' Tab. This option can be found at the bottom of each response coming from our ChatAI
Alcuni componenti aggiuntivi richiedono permessi speciali per svolgere determinate operazioni (ad esempio, un componente per la gestione delle schede chiederà il permesso di accedere alle funzioni e ai dati interni del browser adibiti alle schede).
Sei tu ad avere il controllo di Thunderbird, pertanto la scelta di accordare o negare i permessi spetta solo a te. Accordare un permesso in genere non compromette le prestazioni o la sicurezza del browser, ma in rari casi potresti andare incontro a dei rischi.