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ChiudiQuickPasswords cronologia delle versioni
37 versioni
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Queste versioni sono visualizzate solo per scopo di test e archivio. Dovresti sempre utilizzare l’ultima versione di un componente aggiuntivo.
Versione 3.10
- [Bug 26491] ESR 2018 readiness - Make QuickPasswords compatible with Thunderbird 60
- Updated Arabic and Serbian locales.
- To use in Waterfox, open about:config and set extensions.legacy.enabled = true
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 3.9
- Removed support for Firefox 57+ - legacy addons do not work with Firefox. I am currently working with another developer to find a solution for Firefox Quantum. If it is at all possible we will release it under the code name Quantum Passwords.
Please refer to this video on what's happening and how to get legacy addons back: - Fixed: [Bug 26443] Thunderbird 57 hangs on start with QuickPasswords enabled. <p> Thunderbird 57 did not show its main window if any of my XUL based addons are loaded. A number of changes to the JavaScript engine necessitate various changes to code.
See also the Related Thunderbird bug </p> - [Bug 26365]Firefox 53.0 Magic Wand misplaced. The button shows too far down in the dialog.
- AutoLocking the Masterpassword broken
- Spanish Argentinian Locale added: Thanks to Eduardo Leon at
- Polish Locale added: Thanks to Gabry$ at
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 3.8.3
- [Bug 26343] Unified password change not working.
When the Change password button is clicked, instead there is an error message, "tree is not defined".
Note: you cannot use the login and repair buttons when the logins are shown within the about:preferences#security browser tab;
therefore I disabled these buttons unless the dialog window is shown (by clicking on the QuickPasswords toolbar button or context menu from a website). - Disabled Login and Repair buttons when the login list is shown from the Options tab which is shown at the URI about:preferences#security
Mozilla is going to eventually terminate XUL based addons, so it is important that our functionality stays supported on this Firefox fork. Here is a Mozilla blog post explaining their plans. Although from Firefox version 57 no new XUL addons will be accepted, but I will still be able to maintain / update my existing Firefox addons, until Mozilla decides that they will not be supported by Firefox anymore.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 3.8.2
- [Bug 26338] Login to website not working in Seamonkey 2.46
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 3.8.1
- Mozilla is going to eventually terminate XUL based addons, so it is important that our functionality stays supported on the Pale Moon Firefox fork. Here is a Mozilla blog post explaining their plans.
- Fixed oversized sliding notification alert
- Removed some of the code causing "unsafe CPOW usage" warnings
- [Bug 26329]
Copying / Autofiltering stopped working in Fx 51 - This was caused by Firefox 51 stopping to expose the signonsTree in the saved logins window. - [Bug 26330]
Fx51: Firefox e10s may cause failure of "Login to Website".
to make sure e10s stays disabled, set browser.tabs.remote.autostart.2 = false<br>
As a workaround I added flag for e10s compatibility; once Firefox completely forces multiprocess on its users this won't work anymore. I am currently trying to find a paid developer who can help rewriting the addon to make it multi-process compatible, while maintaining compatibility with the other host apps (Thunderbird / Seamonkey) that do not need multiprocess.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 3.7.2
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 3.7.1
- [Bug 25937] Added Backup / restore feature - full documentation here
- Added Ukrainian locale by Volodymyr Savchuk
- Added Spanish locale by Alejandro Pérez Martín
- Fixed [Bug 26132] Firefox 43: Master Password Setup not shown - Firefox Options were moved into browser tab
- Fixed [Bug 26119] Exception thrown by Unified Pwd Change when nothing is selected
- Fixed [Bug 26133] Support links always open new tabs
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 3.6
- [Bug 25998] Unified Password change (SSO passwords) was fundamentally improved.
List of matching domains is shown and the user can now choose to match user and domain\user when changing the password for all relevant logins. - [Bug 26114] Fixed: When selecting one or more logins in password manager window, some useful commands in the context menu were disabled.
- Security fix: QuickPasswords now asks for the master password when copying multiple records to clipboard and when attempting to change passwords.
- Added Pale Moon support
- Added support for brighttext themes. The toolbar icon was improved for themes with dark backgrounds.
- Removed QueryInterface on boxObject because of
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 3.5.1-signed
- Fixed [Bug 25935]"Unified password change..." broken with Firefox 34.0.5.<br>
Changing passwords via the "Unified password change..." button displayed the error "ReferenceError: theSite is not defined." This was caused by some of the fixes for [Bug 25909].
- Improved SSO password change making it resilient against early exits caused by multiple users on the same domain
- Added Feature [Bug 25931]Added a switch for disabling version history tab.
In order to disable the automatic change log, which is displayed when the Add-on is updated: open the Configuration Database
(In Firefox, via entry of about:config in the Address bar; in Thunderbird, open Tb Options / Advanced / General and
click the "Config Editor..." button) - then change the new (boolean) setting
extensions.quickpasswords.update.showVersionPage to false.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 3.4.1-signed
Fixed in this version:
[Bug 25909] Fixed "temporal dead zone" fix breaks add-on in Firefox 35.0
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 3.3.1-signed
- Adds Toolbar button on first run (Firefox / SeaMonkey).
- When opened from button / context menu of a web page, filtering will now show less results to make login simpler.
- The last used login is selected by default. This accelerates login for users with multiple profiles.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
- Improved Australis support with better icons
- Fixed [Bug 25750] - OK,Cancel missing in Options Dialog on Mac
- [Bug 25749] - "Fill search box when opening password manager" does not work - invalid
(added detailed debug log to getURIcontext()) - Copy records now shows throbber animation
- Added copying passwordField, usernameField, formSubmitURL and httpRealm to copy records command
- Disable donation page on prereleases
- Made options window "alwaysRaised" to avoid confusion
- Added "locked" status for showing the Master Password
- Updated tr and pt-BR locales
- Added Repair confirmation for SeaMonkey users (there is no notification panel in SeaMonkey)
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 3.2.1-signed
- Australis Support - added new monochrome Icon set and big Icon for new Australis side panel customization <br>
The new look can be toggled on QuickPasswords settings > Advanced+Support - Options Dialog - is now easier to and split into General and Advanced+Support tabs.
- Toolbar Icon - downresized + rerendered colored Toolbar button to 20px for large icons (non Australis)
- Fixed: when no entry was selected and the was Edit Passwords button was pressed
the error "TypeError: QuickPasswords.Properties is undefined" was shown. Instead QuickPasswords should display "Please select at least one item from the list!"
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 3.1.1-signed
- QuickPasswords now assists you when no master password is set - click the lock icon on the bottom right and follow on screen instructions. detailed information with screen shots is available here.
- Improved filtering function (showPasswords) in order to always highlight the most correct domain match.
- Improved security of about:config dialogs - making sure no other configuration settings can be overwritten.
- Fixed disabling (login / repair) buttons in IETabs - IE tabs do not support modifying the context menu.
- Added translations for toggle version and donation messages.
- Moved options css file into skins folder.
- Removed obsolete buttons from passwordwindow overlay.
- Decreasing amount of console messages making most messages dependant on debug.default (defaults to true).
- Removed some global variables to avoid namespace pollution
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 3.0.1-signed
- Streamlined password window by using a toolbar
- Fixed [Bug 25580] Better heuristics to determine which fields are not visible to avoid filling the wrong logon fields.
Some web sites use the same name for multiple login boxes and hide them by pushing them "off screen".
This version tries to guard against that. - Added button to "Correct Field Names" - for sites that use duplicate / hidden login forms on the same page which confuses Firefox
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 2.9.1-signed
- Improved automatic password filling to also work with form elements that are identified by name and not by id.
- Bumped up compatibility
- nsIPrivateBrowsingService was removed in version 20 for per-window private browsing mode
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 2.8.1-signed
- Fixed [Bug 25336] - from Firefox 18.0.2 upwards - When changing a larger amount of passwords can error can be thrown by Mozilla core code: "Javascript Error: signon is undefined" or "undefined property table[selections[0].number]"
- Added throbber animation during multiple password change
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 2.7.1-signed
- New "do not show this message again" checkbox to make it easier new users (no need to open options dialog any more)
- Default to closing password manager automatically to remove clutter
- Moved wizard button to top to clean up commands area.
- [FR 25319]New Lock icon: protects password manager with the master password prompt on next use for added security
- Added Option to update changed form ids - when QuickPasswords can not fill the login form automatically based on stored credentials,and the context menu is used, it can offer to correct the stored login information.
Sometimes sites change their login forms and the normal way to deal with this (delete password and re-add it) is cumbersome and not very obvious. With the new correction feature QuickPasswords will "learn" where the new login and password boxes are. All you have to do is click the [Update] button above the web page. - Tidied up interface by moving important buttons to the left
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 2.6.1-signed
- Fixed [Bug 25307] - On the Statusbar of Thunderbird and SeaMonkey mail windows some or all icons were missing.
- Thunderbird / SeaMonkey mail - Added QuickPasswords command to folder pane context menu
- Improved filter prediction in SeaMonkey mail windows - we can now filter passwords for
- the mailbox when right-clicking a folder
- the sender domain when right-clicking a message
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 2.5.1-signed
- New: [FR 25287] reacts to double-click on a login item on Password Manager
- New: [FR 25287] QuickPasswords now inserts the login information automatically when you click the login button (or double-click an entry)
How: QuickPasswords will go through all forms in the page and match the names of password & user name fields and also make sure these are currently visible. (Many pages have multiple forms, some of them hidden) Only then it will insert matching information username / password or both. If something cannot be matched, then the context menu entry of the missing field(s) is added as a fallback, like in the previous version. - Removed duplicate "copy UserName" menu item.
- Known Issues: The context menu is always visible when in a Thunderbird content tab
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 2.3.1-signed
- Fixed legacy layout issues in Postbox
- Fixed a problem with version number which caused multiple donation screens
- Ietab2 support
- make it possible to disable donation screen displayed on update by changing extensions.quickpasswords.donations.askOnUpdate = false
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 2.2.1-signed
- Completed fr locale - thanks to Jean Michel Bourdé
- Added Italian Locale - thanks to Leopoldo Saggin
- Fixed a problem with showing advanced debug settings (window was going to background)
- Replaced deprecated -moz-linear-gradient CSS values
- Replaced -moz-transition CSS values with newer ones
- known issues: es-AR and pt locales are incomplete.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 2.1.1-signed
- Fixed [Bug 24940] - Doesn't fill username/password in Firefox 13
- Completed Hu locale
- fixed display of version link and donation pages after updates
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
- Compatibility with Gecko 15
- Removed some unnecessary errors from console to improve S/N ratio
- changed overlay using messenger.xul instead of mailWindowOverlay.xul
- layout fixes in change multiple password dialog
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
- Removed some unnecessary errors from console to improve S/N ratio
- (1.9) Fixed [Bug 22904] Icon Size on toolbar buttons was too big
- (1.9) Some layout improvements in change password box
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 1.8.1-signed
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 1.7.1-signed
- Added cancel login menu item
- Added scrolling to selected row in Manager
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 1.6.1-signed
- Added "change (multiple) passwords" feature
- Added "Login (without Clipboard)" feature
<img src=""> <img src="">
- stability fixes mainly for SeaMonkey and Postbox
- support for private browsing mode (Firefox and SeaMonkey)
- rapid release bump (maxVer = 9.*)
- removed locale from jar file
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 1.5.1-signed
- Added Fx + Tb 6.0* compatibility
- Fixed links in options dialog and setting focus to tabs in SeaMonkey
- Added refine sites button (magic wand) to narrow down sites with multiple entry points
- Added new versioning regime and link to site on update / first install - triggered by first use!
- Added tons of functionality for mail clients
- retrieve mail account password (when in folder)
- retrieve URL account passwords (when in content tab, like in Firefox)
- retrieve passwords based on domain of current sender (when viewing a single message)
- retrieve mail account password (when in folder)
- New locales:
- tr-TR thanks to Nikneyim []
- sr thanks to Rancher []
- tr-TR thanks to Nikneyim []
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
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