
Informazioni utente

Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome GoofyFr
Pagina principale
Utente da Marzo 5, 2007
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 1 componente aggiuntivo
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I componenti aggiuntivi che ho realizzato

Recherche de données sur, plateforme française d'ouverture des données publiques (Open Data).

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Le mie recensioni

Simple Steganography

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thanks for the update and work on this very interesting extension.You may wish to have your work more international, so I made a fully localized version to be grabbed here (added French locale) and you are welcome to submit it on to get more locales from volunteer translators.-- goofyBabelZilla admin team

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente ( del componente aggiuntivo.  Questo utente ha inserito una recensione precedente su questo componente aggiuntivo.

Simple Steganography

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hello, congrats for this interesting extension. There is probably a good potential as a "learning" tool (initiate to crypto as a hide and seek game)and why not as a serious way to protect one's messages from eavesdropping. Note that it could be more useful if ported to Thunderbird (to send directly encrypted messages in attached images). After a few successful tests it seems to me there is no control over messages exceeding 255 chars. I got an error pointing to Script : chrome://simplesteganography/content/simpleSteganography.js:199.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente ( del componente aggiuntivo. 

Social Vote

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C'est ton orthographe qui est totalement inédite :S "ce que les autres penses"...

Auto-Configuration Imap

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One good step towards simplifying the annoying process of initila settings for TB. Also one nice step for real localization : the French will enjoy one familiar webmail provider.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.3) del componente aggiuntivo. 

AMO Localiser

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This is a very good tool to semi-automatize a boring task. First you can use it to write quickly an file, then once on your developer panel on amo, it automatically fills the metadata fields for every language included in your xpi.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.2.1) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Gunman Searchbar

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Quite interesting stuff. My first useful test was: launch all serach engines on one click. Just fine. Now I am exploring various possibilities of this promising extension.

@Mr Rosell I just sent you a mail with a locale-supoprt version. check your webmaster inbox ;-)


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Though the interface is very user-friendly, I wonder what the "target file" and prefix/suffix are dedicated to. A bit of howto would be nice.

Also I noticed your smart extension was missing a locale structure, so
I created one to be grabbed here:

I suggest you should submit it to to get more locale languages for free (currently en-US only)

BabelZilla is a community of volunteer translators dedicated to the
translation of extensions for moz family apps. We have people from all
over the world currently maintaining translations for heaps of exetnsions.
You are welcome to hop on there :)

- jean-bernard
aka Goofy
BabelZilla Team

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.1) del componente aggiuntivo. 


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Hello :)

This is a version with locale support for you

- j'ai ajouté une version en-US de manière à rendre l'extension plus facile à traduire dans toutes les langues, ce qui est maintenant faisable en la soumettant aux traducteurs bénévoles de

Notez au passage: j'ai éliminé le sous-dossier "chromefiles" inutile dans ma version.

- Goofy

BabelZilla Team


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It is so simple that you can wonder why it has never been done before! Have you favorite addresses just on a keystrike is cool and quicker than clicking on the bookmark menu and select the one you wish.

I noticed there was no locale structure though, so
I created one to be grabbed here

There are few strings to translate of course, I also made the description localizable and added the link to options in the install.rdf.

I suggest you should submit it to to get more locale languages for free (currently en-Us and fr-FR added)

BabelZilla is a community of volunteer translators dedicated to the
translation of extensions for moz family apps. We have people from all
over the world currently maintaining translations for more than 500
extensions with an online translation system.
You are welcome to hop on there :)

Have a nice day
- jean-bernard
aka Goofy
BabelZilla Team

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.1) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Tab Wheel Scroll

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I personally hate tab browsing huge heavily customizable extensions that require half an hour settings to spare half a second when browsing.
Here I must say I adopt this one because I can even ignore the one and only option and enjoy the feature.

Thanks for this one.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (20080213) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Bilder online bearbeiten

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Gives access to a very good online image editor, the interface of which is unfortunately in German only for the moment, that is why I rate 9 instead of 1O. Instant free access without registration or ads. Just great.

Small Trad

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I appreciate the translation does not take all the browser window and while I read it I still have the original webpage text under my eyes. Handy stuff.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.0c) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Return Receipt Toolbar Button

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I rarely use extensions for Thunderbird though I do test a significant number of them. I find this one is both obvious to use and efficient, and moreover it reminds me of asking for a return receipt, what I was too lazy to trigger via a menu before.
It will stay in my profile.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.1) del componente aggiuntivo. 


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This handy extension prevents me from my usual mistyping stupidity. I suppose everyone can find it useful one day or another. I don't understand why it is stuck in the sandbox limbo for such a long time.

Context: Close All Tabs (ConCAT)

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I like this kind of extensions : simple and perfectly integrated in the interface.

I made a localized version to be grabbed here :

You are welcome on to get more languages for free (currently en-US and fr-FR only)
btw I added an accesskey, which is valid for French but must be tested for en-US

- Goofy
BabelZilla Team