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Apologies for the previous review, which was pretty incomprehensible since AMO removed all of my HTML tags. Here it is again, with parentheses used for HTML.

My SmartTemplate configuration looks like this:
(hr noshade="noshade" color="#C0C0C0" size="2" width="100%")
(div style="margin-top: 0.85em; margin-bottom: 0.85em;")
(font size="2" face="Tahoma")
(a style="text-decoration: none;")
(b)From: (/b)%from%(br)
(b)To: (/b)%to%{(br)
(b)CC: (/b) %cc%}(br)
(b)Sent: (/b)%datelocal% %date_tz%(br)
(b)Subject: (/b)%subject%

With version 0.4.7, this worked without any problem. However, it's stopped working in version 0.5.0, since SmartTemplate now converts my headers into the following HTML:

(span id="IDstID")(br)(br)(hr color="#c0c0c0" noshade="noshade" size="2" width="100fromtodatelocaldate_tzsubject%</a")(/span)

This obviously produces completely blank headers. It seems that the culprit is the (hr); if I take that out, it works again.

I'm wondering what the code change was that created this problem. For the moment I'm going back to version 0.4.7, hoping that this bug can be fixed.

Seeing how responsive the developer is to our comments, I'm sure that we won't have to wait long!

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.5.0) del componente aggiuntivo. 

I'm sorry.
I did not consider a template including the '%'.
This bug was fixed at version 0.5.1.
