Shift Box cronologia delle versioni

3 versioni

Fai attenzione alle vecchie versioni!

Queste versioni sono visualizzate solo per scopo di test e archivio. Dovresti sempre utilizzare l’ultima versione di un componente aggiuntivo.

Versione 0.3.2 67.0 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 3.0 - 20.*

- Fixed bug : New incoming emails don't update the red bubble (only for filtered and virtual folders)-.
- Fixed bug : The red bubble disappears when you select another folder (now, the red buffered bubble is applied to each folder)
- Fixed bug : Right click should not activate play/stop buttons

New functionalities:
- Shortcuts (See 'About')
- Option to change bubbles notifications behavior ('None', 'only an empty bubble', 'a bubble with items count')
- Option to hide all buttons
- Display messages count inside the popup menu (previous button)

- Other minor features & fixed bugs
Compatibile con Thunderbird 3.0 - 20.*
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Versione 0.3.1 65.0 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 3.0 - 6.*

- Keep state of each folder when you select another one
- Replay virtuals folders- Replay from a specific email (see email context menu)
- Replay today's emails and emails received since Thunderbird has been launched

- Fixed bug with Silvermel skin
- Fixed tooltip bug
Compatibile con Thunderbird 3.0 - 6.*
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Versione 0.2 55.0 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 3.0 - 3.1.*

The Shift-Box reads back a folder, selected by the user. You can explore it (previous/next mails).

- Fixed bug #187 : options (buttons size)
- Fixed bug #184 : keep message selection when playing the Shift Box
- Languages : English & French (options labels, tooltip texts, ...)
Compatibile con Thunderbird 3.0 - 3.1.*
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