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Chiudi 20150226
di Svetlana Tkachenko
Search, a hackable metasearch engine.
Questo componente aggiuntivo è stato contrassegnato come sperimentale dagli autori.
Informazioni su questo componente aggiuntivo
searx mixes your queries with searches on other platforms without storing search data. Queries are made using a POST request. Therefore they show up in neither searx's logs, nor your url history.
searx is Service as a Software Substitute.
- It takes away your freedom to control the computing behind aggregating the results together: to control how exactly the results are mixed, in which order they are shown, and to know which engine the result is coming from.
- All this, in theory, can happen on your own computer. You would have full control over your computing then. Metasearch engines ought to be client-side.
- Such software is not written yet though: most multiple search addons just open the results in new tabs or frames, because nobody bothered to write a proper client-side metasearch addon which queries the engines by API instead of dumbly loading HTML pages of the relevant URLs.
- For this reason, this search plugin is only listed as experimental, and only passes preliminary review; I do not expect it to be useful to general audience.
You can customize the search engines in your preferences. They are grouped by type:
- files (btdigg (bt), google play apps (gpa), piratebay (tpb), kickass (ka))
- social media (digg (dg), twitter (tw))
- videos (btdigg (bt), google play movies (gpm), piratebay (tpb), kickass (ka), subtitleseeker (ss), youtube (yt), dailymotion (dm), vimeo (vm))
- map (openstreetmap (osm), photon (ph))
- it(github (gh), stackoverflow (st), searchcode doc (scd), searchcode code (scc))
- general (wikipedia (wp), bing (bi), currency (cc), ddg definitions (ddd), wikidata (wd), duckduckgo (ddg), gigablast (gb), google (go), startpage (sp), yahoo (yh))
- music (btdigg (bt), deezer (dz), google play music (gps), mixcloud (mc), piratebay (tpb), kickass (ka), soundcloud (sc), spotify (stf), youtube (yt))
- images (bing images (bii), blekko images (bli), deviantart (da), 500px (px), 1x (1x), flickr (fl), google images (goi))
- news (bing news (bin), digg (dg), google news (gon), yahoo news (yhn))
When enabling another search engine, remember that some of them track and bubble you. While searx itself does not bubble or track you, many of the options provided are not privacy-respecting and make a bubble around searx itself!
This is an OpenSearch plugin.