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I downloaded TB 115 recently. I didn't realize that I could not, yet, transfer .eml files from my previous email client. I see from previous comment that you are close to releasing a version of ImportExport that will work with TB115. Are you able to say how long to wait?

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (12.0.4) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Thank you for your review!
I am hoping maybe 2-3 weeks. Beta 6 is quite good and tested except for a Thunderbird mbox issue I have to deal with. The eml support should be solid. It would be great to have your beta feedback! See below.

You can track and download the latest here:

You can post feedback here:

b6 works very well except for the mbox issues. B7 will have at least single mbox support shortly.