
Informazioni utente

Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome sparklark
Utente da Nov. 15, 2011
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 0 componenti aggiuntivi
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Le mie recensioni

Scaricare Video da Facebook

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This addon is "specifically" targeted for facebook.
I get sent to a separate page, then am told that the link is invalid!
Do not waste your time.
This does NOT work!

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.1) del componente aggiuntivo. 

FlashGot Mass Downloader

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This used to be my Go-To downloader!
I used to be able to stream a youtube vid and download THAT and all the other suggested vids in the queue with just a tap of an icon.
Now, I get a "not supported" message and 3 unseeable files end up in the folder.
I really miss the usability of this addon and the downloader.


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I don't understand how to mass download videos in mp4, other than what I have specified for.
Why does it only download in html?
And why doesn't it keep the original video name?
I have been trying to grab vids from youtube.
It's sad that I have been trying this addon for years, then removing it. I can't find any help and don't want to sign into the forum. I hate forums. :/
If someone can help me, I'd most appreciate it.
If there's an easy fix, I'd be happy to come back and add more stars.
Damn, if there's an easy fix, why isn't it part of the faq?

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (3.0.8) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Download YouTube Videos as MP4

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Not only does it not work, but it doesn't even show 1080p.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.8.9) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Mp3 Download Free

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Takes you to a nothing site, icon is an anonymous green puzzle piece (among so many other search icons), and takes you to mp3jie... a blank, dead-end page!
Waste of time!

PDF eBook Searches

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ALSO, the name is different in the address and the icon isn't original!

It shows up as:

So, troubleshooting which green little puzzle piece/icon is annoying!


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My GO-TO add-on!!
When I install ff on any pc, Auto Pager is the 1st add-on I install!!
It works on most sites (though, there were some issues for awhile, a few months back - since resolved) and blogs!
Would be nice to auto-open/expand all the comments in youtube and other sites... Even w/o that, it's a superb program!!

Torrent Meta Search

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I have found WAAYY MORE than I expected from this brilliant add-on!!
Almost everything I was curious about - I found with this excellent little tool!!
I am just assuming that the queries that came up blank, are just non-existant!
Thanks, dev!!


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I used to LOVE this app!!
Now, with the recent updates of foxtab AND firefox, this app is CR*P!!
1) the images pop out of the grid and I can't configure the original grid image I've always had!!
2) with this new pop-out grid, when I click on an image, I get taken to a totally different site!!
3) even before these problems, I can't believe that this app missed a vital function: when hovering the mouse over the image, it should enlarge to see details of that image. Some pages look alike - esp. if you've "favorite" -ed (?) two pages from the same site.
4) Now, I hear that the stupid, annoying, useless search bar cemented and uninstall-proof/configure-proof in the tab bar is from THIS app!! I have been trying for MONTHS to find out how that damn thing got there and how to get rid of it!! Firefox has been unhelpful - they don't like us contacting them!!
5) I've tried to contact foxtabs in regards to these issues, first, but they don't want to hear from anyone, either!!!
I have uninstalled and re-installed several times to no avail.
Will uninstall and never look back.
This is a terrible app, now and a terrible organization for not allowing contact and progress.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente ( del componente aggiuntivo.