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This is perhaps the best free malicious link detection trainer I've encountered to date. It rivals and perhaps has features that are comparable to commercial products.

While the developers are obviously German, the add-on works just as well in plain English.

Unlike some commercial offerings, this product gives the user full transparency of what is going on and has some integrated tools to help you decide if an email contains malicious links.

The add-on detects URL referrers, shortened URLs (for example, tinyURL) and can detect what the compressed URL actually resolves to, as well as disguised/misspelt URLs that refer you to a potentially malicious link.

It does all this in a very intuitive fashion - green highlights for safe URLs, blue highlights for user-tagged safe URLs, grey highlights for unknown/untested URLs and red highlights for intentionally misleading/potentially malicious URLs.

Suspect URLs or untested URLs also have a configurable timer so that you can't deliberately click on the URL without waiting for the timer countdown. Very useful given sometimes, we users tend to click on a URL without thinking.

You can also right click on a URL so TORPEDO can offer you options to whitelist, check the domain or get into its settings or open up the tutorial.

All whitelisted URLs you manually tag can be manually edited/removed.

Speaking of tutorial...I particularly love the fact that the developers has taken time to go through the explanations of how TORPEDO works in a tutorial and how to look for malicious links.

Highly recommended.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.3.2) del componente aggiuntivo.