Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

this is a great plugin. i wished, i had discovered it bevore no-script, because this one is intuitive *and* not that bloated (no-script has a lot more features maybe, but i only "need" those here in the extension, so don't get me wrong, no-script is still a goodie!).
another user wrote, that working with this plugin is much work, which is true, but for me, it is important not to switch of my brain and get important information out of the little red icon in the status-bar of firefox. the log-console is great too!
i only wished, it would sync via firefox-sync, because doing all the clicking/allowing/denieing work could be a hassle, altough the plugin comes with good and common presets for user which don't want to be hassled from the very begining :-)
i like it. thank you mr. developer!

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