
Informazioni utente

Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome ctsurv553
Utente da Dic. 10, 2014
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 0 componenti aggiuntivi
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Le mie recensioni

Element Hiding Helper per Adblock Plus

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This add-on makes Add Block Plus much more user friendly, by giving you the ability to "point and click" on exactly what it is you want to block. Unfortunately, it is one of the casualties of Mozilla's update to Firefox v57. The work-around I have chosen is to downgrade Firefox back to v52 ESR and disable Firefox from auto-updating. V57 "broke" more than a dozen of my must-have add-ons, and that is unacceptable, so I will be sticking with Version 52 and will not ever update Firefox again. I want a browser that does what I need it to do, the way I want it to, not the way some programmer thinks is what we all need.

Yet Another Remove It Permanently

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

There are two "Remove-it Permanently" plug-ins for Firefox: YARIP by Kim Brandt, and RIP by Jerome O'Flaherty. I installed both into Firefox v34 and YARIP wins. It appears to be more feature-rich and it actually remembers your removals on future page re-loads, which RIP does not. A must-have plug-in now that more and more web pages are adding "please donate money" and similar clutter. Very nice for setting up a clean and simple Home page with only the search bar.

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