d p

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Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome d p
Utente da Feb. 22, 2009
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 0 componenti aggiuntivi
Media delle valutazioni sui componenti aggiuntivi di questo sviluppatore. Nessun voto

Le mie recensioni

Contact Tabs

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

** - fixed!! Thanks for the quick attention Janek!


A 5-star for the usual excellent functionality!

I believe however it may have been broken in TB31? When I open a contact, I cannot seem to save any changes? Perhaps only something happening locally?



Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.0.11) del componente aggiuntivo. 


Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

I've tried other signature add-ons and I simply cannot live without this one. So far its been quite easy to update via changing the install.rdf file (google for details).

Mail Merge

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Fantastic add-on -- thank you Alexander! Precisely the kind of functionality one needs to demonstrate, once again, that you don't need Office or the like to maintain workplace productivity.

I did have a few hiccups getting it to work (didn't set the csv character setting right)... but a quick email to Alex (with next day reply!) and it was all good to.

FYI - Character Set: Windows-1252 (Windows), UTF-8 (Linux) and UTF-8 (Mac)



Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.4.0) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Remove Duplicate Messages (Alternate)

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

It takes some tweaking sometimes (i.e. changing up the search criteria) to get all of them, but this add-on is fantastic!! Having recently moved (or more aptly in the process of moving) to Gmail IMAP services, I do see it doesn't work very well in this context (which is really too bad, as I was counting on this extension to help me merge my online and old pop folders and weed out the duplicates)...


Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.3.3) del componente aggiuntivo.