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This is simple and great, and thank you for keeping it alive. Small caveats: if you are using Linux you will need to go into the about:config entry for autocorrect.wordsfile and change the path to the actual file (which will be in the Thunderbird profile, extensions/autocorrect@miller.micro/autoCorrect.txt. For me adding or removing doesn't work from the preferences, so you may need to edit this file. It seems to slow Thunderbird down to have so many autocorrects, so just keep the mistakes you regularly make and delete the others.

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I try repeatedly to scrap Outlook, but am highly addicted to that program's auto correct functions which Thunderbird does not seem to have.
How about an upgrade to this extension for version 60.

Would sure be nice.

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The add-on looks very promising. I tricked it into making it compatible for TB 60 by modifying install.rdf and it installed fine. However, when selecting Tools > Add-on Options > mmsAutoCorrect, I get an error message: "The autocorrect file could not be loaded, check the JavaScript Console for reason(s)". The error message in the console reads:

mmsAutoCorrect: e-[Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80520012 (NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) [nsIFileInputStream.init]" nsresult: "0x80520012 (NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)" location: "JS frame :: chrome://autocorrect/content/settings.js :: loadFileBegin :: line 73" data: no]

Maybe it helps in getting it to work with v60? In any event, I'd appreciate infos on any updates. :-)

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I need mmsAutoCorrect compatible with Thunderbird 60. Is there annywere an aupdate?

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I love this add-on.

Any plans to support Thunderbird 60?

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I am using 1.05 on a win 10 64 bit pc. the auto correct works great. The auto cap feature works great except for the first word of the first sentence in an email.

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I really appreciate the author's efforts to make this add-on work again. Because for me, mmsAutoCorrect is actually an essential and crucial tool. I make so many typing errors (I have big hands, so I often hit two keys at the same time, for example, or I accidentally swap letters, like "nohting" or "instaed"). I really miss those days when mmsAutocorrect was still working. I hope that Medvezhonok will be able to fix it. There is no alternative to mmsAutocorrect so far. Go, Medvezhonok, go! :-)

Questo utente ha inserito 2 recensioni precedenti su questo componente aggiuntivo.

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I was an Auto Correct user until it became inop and I have missed the replace-from-list functionality.

I installed 1.0.5 today with Thunderbird 52.2.1 (32 bit) on Win7.

The correction of "THis" to "This" works, but corrections from the list do not work - including both words in the standard list and my additions. I have exited Thunderbird & restarted and rebooted the PC. Is there something else that I need to do?


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I am using Auto Correct 1.05, Ubuntu 16.04 and Thunderbird 52.1.1 (64-bit). I have tried every suggestion in the reviews, including changing MaxVersion, and it still does not work. Is it because I am using 64 bit Thunderbird?

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Thanks for update. It works for a regular text. However, html text is broken. I'm using TB 52.2.1

For example, if I type myaddr I see below text with html tags

<BR>Jim Jones<BR>123 Anystreet Rd.<BR>SomeTown. AZ 12345<BR>


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I heard good things about this add on, but when I installed, it does not work. I have restarted, double checked for it being enabled. The add on shows up on the add on manager, but it provides no actions for any listed misspelled words. Also, when I go in to the list of corrections under options, you can not add anything to the list. The add and save buttons are disabled. I am sure the developer just needs to know that there is a problem with a standard installation. Other installed extensions are: CompactHeader, Enigmail, Google search for TB, Lightning, OpenSearch, Provider for Google Calendar, Quick Web Search, Searchwith and www.Tran. Also, the Appearance is set to TTDeepDark. Hope this info might help find a problem. I know I need to take out a few extensions and probably will soon.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.0.3) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Thank you for your review. This has been fixed in version 1.0.5 which has been submitted for review by Mozilla. Email me if you'd like an advance copy.

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@Medvezhonok, thanks for your reply. I didn't specify the OS, it's Ubuntu 16.04.2. After the update to 52.1.1 a couple of other add-ons also stopped working, but they are not causing TB to crash, this one does.

The crash report says: "MozCrashReason: ElementAt(aIndex = 3, aLength = 3)". The crash happens just after a "new mail" or reply editor window loads (i.e. the window just appears and TB crashes).

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.0.3) del componente aggiuntivo.  Questo utente ha inserito una recensione precedente su questo componente aggiuntivo.

Thank you for your review. This has been fixed in version 1.0.5 which has been submitted for review by Mozilla. Email me if you'd like an advance copy.

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I really enjoy this add-on but it stopped working.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.0.3) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Thank you for your review. This has been fixed in version 1.0.5 which has been submitted for review by Mozilla. Email me if you'd like an advance copy.

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I would love to see a fix for this add-on in TB45. I rely on this for a lot of shortcuts!

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.0.3) del componente aggiuntivo.  Questo utente ha inserito una recensione precedente su questo componente aggiuntivo.

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I have edited the max version number to be 55.0 as suggested. The Options button for the add-on edits the AutoCorrect.txt file (as referenced by the autocorrect.wordsfile config entry (set to a folder outside of the TB profile) but the auto-corections do not happen when I type an email.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.0.3) del componente aggiuntivo. 

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very helpfull add - it is still working if you change the number the "maxVerson" (e.g. 55) in the install.rdf-file. You only need to rename the xpi-file in zip-file, open install.rdf with an editor, change Nr. und store it. rename back xpi. Have fun!

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.0.3) del componente aggiuntivo. 

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Great extension, but not working on Thuderbird 45.0 for me. Is the support expected?

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.0.3) del componente aggiuntivo. 

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Since this is only a LIST replacement, it isn't a true autocorrect.
I'm using this with TB 31.6 on an iMac running Yosemite, and it won't let me UPDATE the correction list. All the buttons remain greyed-out.

I suspect a full autocorrect function such as found ON the Mac for Mail and Safari could not be written as an XPI file.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.0.3) del componente aggiuntivo. 

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Works perfect - exept for replacing "mfg" with "mit freundlichen Grüßen". Don't know whether it's the ü or the length... That's a common end of a German mail and the main reason I was testing this Addon :(

Besides it would be great to delete all entries at once. Because I write 99% German mails and don't need the English corrections - I'd rather just see my own entries.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.0.3) del componente aggiuntivo. 

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Good: almost like the phone autocorrect where you can get most common mistakes fixed. If it worked great, it would allow you to be a lazy typer, adding the capitals and periods for you, something that should be automated by now (2015)

Bad: whenever a word is repaired by this add-on, it also inserts that same word into the beginning of my email, keeping a running list of corrections to begin your letter. This has been tough for me to catch every time, so I'm going to disable the add-on instead of having to religiously proofread every outbound message. I dislike having to CAP and punctuate everything since the advent of the smart phone, but I am unable to proof the Dear whoever part of my own emails, when I reread my stuff. Thus we're close, but no cigar as this double word stuff makes me a worse emailer. Also, the auto CAPS works after the first sentence, but not on the first sentence so, not supposed to report bugs here but, it's buggy.

Would rate 5/5 if it worked right, love the concept, can't fathom why this has to be an add-on still, I predict in a few years email composition on a PC will have more brain to go with its spell check like cell phones are now, and things like this will no longer be an issue.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.0.3) del componente aggiuntivo.