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infoRSS Riavvio richiesto
di Didier Ernotte
Displays RSS, Atom, Twitter, parsed HTML and NNTP feed in a scrolling area in the status bar. Compatible with podcasting RSS which can be downloaded directly. It's also a good Google email notifier.
Informazioni su questo componente aggiuntivo
More Flash demo can be viewed here
Displays RSS, Atom, Twitter, parsed HTML and NNTP feed in a scrolling area in the status bar. Compatible with podcasting RSS which can be downloaded directly.
It's also a good Google email notifier.
The different features of this extension are
* RSS feed including RSS Google email notifier (with
* ATOM feed
* NNTP feed
* Parsed HTML feed (in fact any text document on internet: RDF, txt, HTML...). Extraction with regular expression
* Pre-defined blog search feed (technorati, blogger, ,...)
* Support for SSL feed (HTTPS)
* Customized refresh time per feed
* Automatic or manual refresh
* Customized number of headlines to display per feed
* Customized number of character to display per feed (status bar is a limited area...)
* Customized favicon per feed or group
* Customized filter per feed : filter on title, subject, headline number, published date, received date, ...
* Enable/Disable filter
* Group of feeds
* Customized filter per group : filter for the group or combination with feed's filter and group
* Full associated HTML article in a simple clic on the headline
* Customized style sheet for headlines : font family, font size, background color, foreground color
* Display headlines in the status bar or in a separate bar (top or bottom)
* Manual resize of the status bar area
* Automatic size adjustment with the window width
* Skip headline
* Scrolling feeds in the headline area
* Manual scrolling with the mouse wheel
* Right to left or left to right scrolling direction
* Customized scrolling speed
* Fade in/out headlines
* All headlines in the main menu as a submenu
* Automatic cycling between feed or group or within feed of a group
* Skip empty feed in cycling mode
* Popup when new headlines
* Customized icon bar beside the headline bar
* Mark all headlines as read
* View all headlines at once
* Flashing icon when refreshing
* Read article in tooltip, a new tab or a new window
* Tooltip on headline to see the full title, begin of article or full article without opening a new tab
* Tooltip in HTML mode for rich description
* Tooltip that supports multimedia in ENCLOSURE tag : images are displayed beside the description, and audio and video files are played (podcasting, try feed with the firefox embedded multimedia plugin
* Tooltip on main icon to display the number of hedline / unread headline
* Option to play/mute podcast
* Display icon near headline in case of enclosure tag
* Persistence of viewed and banned headline even after the session
* Remote synchronization with FTP or WebDav serverrn * OPML import and export from a local file or a distant ressource (on internet)
* Export the repository in the bookmark hierarchy
* Display the repository on screen
* Display the RSS file in the browser by dragging the feed in the menu on the browser
* Detect RSS feed in the current page and add an item in the menu
* Contextual menu in Firefox to add a feed in the extension repository
* Add any URL in the clipboard to the menu to simply add it to the repository
* Detete a feed in the menu with drag and drop on the trash bin
* Add a feed in a group with drag and drop on the group icon in the menu
* Link to the main web page in one click
* Customized FF add feed menu (orange radar icon) to add feed in infoRSS
* Global activity switch
* Activity switch at the feed/group level
* Collapse headline bar if no headline
* Thumbnail image of the main URL in the option dialog
* Quick filter icon to filter in one click all displayed headlines
* Auto or manual decoding in the HTML feed