Thunderbird Stock 0.9.1 Requires Restart
توسط Petr Sedlacek
Stock Thunderbird theme extracted from Thunderbird 12.0
This add-on has been marked as experimental by its developers
دربارهی این افزودنی
If you, like me, dislike your distribution's customization of the default theme and would much rather use the stock Thunderbird theme then this is for you.
Please note I've never created any theme before. I just extracted relevant parts of the omni.ja file from Thunderbird 12 and packed it up as a theme. It's working for me (TM), but if you find any issues please don't hesitate to contact me!
If this doesn't work for you there is a very simple way - just download stock thunderbird and replace omni.ja file in your thunderbird installation (/usr/lib/thunderbird in *buntu) with the stock one.
Please note I've never created any theme before. I just extracted relevant parts of the omni.ja file from Thunderbird 12 and packed it up as a theme. It's working for me (TM), but if you find any issues please don't hesitate to contact me!
If this doesn't work for you there is a very simple way - just download stock thunderbird and replace omni.ja file in your thunderbird installation (/usr/lib/thunderbird in *buntu) with the stock one.