Noia Fox 3.1.5 Requires Restart
توسط David.Vincent
Theme for Firefox and Thunderbird
Based on Noia Iconpack by Carlitus (deviantART)
Noia Fox options is here (small icons, square tabs,...).
دربارهی این افزودنی
Noia Fox 3.1.5 - released August 8, 2015 - will be the last version.
There are to many changes every month with Firefox code. My job takes me a lot of time (with to many overtime hours) and if I want to have some free time, take care of my health, I must stop theme development.
Noia Fox was my baby. I give it a good look and a good compatibility. So I am very unhappy to stop his development, but when I began to develop Noia, the Firefox updates were not so close from each other.
Now Firefox updates come at a furious pace and we must spend over 30-40 hours per month to keep a theme compatible. I cannot follow this rythm.
Thanks to all users that support my theme for many years
Noia Fox for Firefox 28 is here.
Noia Fox version 3.0.0
This version of Noia Fox will not work with Firefox versions under 29. Don't install it with these versions.
Firefox 29 default theme is full changed and a lot of features present in older versions cannot be used anymore (tabs on bottom, small & big icons together in the same theme,...). The application menu button is removed and replaced with the "hamburger button". Titlebar and tabs toolbar customization are changed. Customization window is changed. Curved tabs replace square tabs. We have panels for history, bookmarks, developer tools,....
It is no more possible to post a package theme (theme + options). So it is time to post a standalone theme.
This is why the appearance of Noia Fox is full changed with this version. It was impossible for me to keep the old appearance and options because nothing was working with this version of Firefox. I have worked a lot of hours for this new version and I hope you will enjoy it.
Main features :
* Light grey theme. The grey theme reduce the eyes fatigue when surfing the internet for long periods.
* Big colored buttons. Noia Fox is optimized for persons with visual needs
* Tabs : this version introduce a new appearance -> curved tabs . They are more appropriate with Noia icons and there is no bug with add-ons that skin tabs.
* Tabs toolbar is no more skinned (aero for Windows 7, integration into titlebar for Linux and Mac).
* No more Mac buttons (minimize, restore, maximize) for Windows.
* Compatible with Windows (from Windows XP to Windows 8), Mac OSX and Linux (tested with Ubuntu).
* Noia Fox can be used with RTL languages (arabic, hebrew,...)
* Noia Fox is optimized for Web developers (all Firefox 10+ tools, Console 2, Firebug,...)
* I have posted a standalone Noia Fox Options add-on that give some options if you want to customize Noia Fox (*) :
- No border for toolbars (FF).
- Icons only for bookmarks toolbar (FF).
- Small icons for Navigation toolbar (FF)
- Classic Noia Fox square tabs (FF)
- Persona enable (FF & TB)
- About home skinned with Noia icons (FF).
- Fix : personas tabs for Linux (FF)
- Fix : Image toolbar add-on (FF).
* Noia Fox is full compatible with Classic Theme Restorer (made by Aris). With this add-on, you can add features present in older Firefox versions (tabs under the navigation toolbar, Application button, movable back-forward buttons, star in url,....) and you can remove some animations that Mozilla introduces with Australis theme (panels, downloads, bookmarks) if you don't like them.
* This version introduces the new Australis appearance for Thunderbird that came with version 24 (curved tabs).
*Personas (or themes)
- If you want to use Personas with Noia Fox, install Noia Fox options.
- If you want to customize Personas, install Personas Expression add-on (text color, shadow, transparency , ....)
* Black Noia Fox : this theme is no longer developped (too much work - it would be easier to launch a standalone black Noia Fox theme and I have not the time for doing it).
Noia Fox Options is adapted from the first version of Noia 4 Theme Configurator by Aris.
(*) Noia Fox Options link for Thunderbird.