Ve2mrx's common Pack

by ve2mrx

7 Add-ons in this Collection

French spelling dictionary by OR

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 53 reviews

126,100 users

Spelling dictionary for the French language.

Canadian English Dictionary by Paul Schmiedge

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 82 reviews

9,624 users

For some reason, Mozilla doesn't have a Canadian localization team, but I know that even the British dictionary doesn't quite cut it for the truly patriotic.

Forecastfox Weather by Ensolis

Get international weather forecasts from and display them in any toolbar or statusbar with this highly customizable and unobtrusive extension.

IsAdmin by VDT Software

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 9 reviews

2 users

Shows whether the application is running with admin privileges, using an icon in the status bar; useful if logged in as an administrator and you use privilege limitation tools such as DropMyRights, RunAs or Windows User Account Control.

Preserve Download Modification Timestamp by Sparky Bluefang

Preserve the modification timestamp, sent by the server, for downloaded files

Perspectives by perspectives-cmu, dschaefer

Connect securely to https websites by checking certificates with network notaries. See

File Title by JasnaPaka

With this extension you can save HTML pages like in Microsoft Internet Explorer. Default filename is generated according to HTML tag TITLE.

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