
by molio

24 Add-ons in this Collection

DownThemAll! by Nils Maier, Federico Parodi, others

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 2,899 reviews

240 users

The first and only download manager/accelerator built inside Firefox!

Saved Password Editor by Daniel Dawson

Adds the ability to create and edit entries in the password manager.

Mozilla Archive Format, with MHT and Faithful Save by Christopher Ottley, Paolo Amadini

— Open web pages saved with Internet Explorer or other browsers (MHT)
— Save many tabs, video and audio reliably, in a single ZIP file (MAFF)
— Return to the original site you saved a page from, and more!

ProfileSwitcher by Paolo "Kaosmos"

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 114 reviews

194 users

It adds some options to launch easily other profiles and the Profile Manager.

Thumbnail Zoom Plus by David Adler

Shows full image when you hover over a thumbnail. Works with Amazon, Baidu Images, Bing Images, Facebook, Flickr, Google+, Google Images, IMDb, LinkedIn, Netflix, Pinterest, Reddit, Twitter, Yandex, YouTube, Wikipedia, Yahoo Images, & many more.

AutoCopy 2 by Leszek Życzkowski

Copies selected text to the clipboard automatically.

YesScript by Jason Barnabe, Andras Horvath

A JavaScript blacklist

Restart by Schuzak

"Restart" menu and button, with configurable shortcut key.

Scriptish by Erik Vold, Nils Maier, others

The greatest user script engine on the Internet (a fork of Greasemonkey).

Add-ons Manager Context Menu by Zulkarnain K.

Add more items to Add-ons Manager context menu.

Copy Plain Text 2 by Leszek Życzkowski

Copies text without formatting

Addons Manager Hilite by custom.firefox.lady

Remembers last selected (hilited) extension/theme/plugin/userstyle in Add-ons Manager. Version 3.0 also includes sorting buttons. Turn off/on the add-on selection list box and/or fine tune behavior via its Options.

No Small Text by Peter J. Sloetjes, MSc.

Set a minimum text size for all web content. Use the toolbar button to switch it on and off. NEW: Three preset sizes. NEW: Use mouse scroll on the toolbar button.

The Book of Mozilla, 15:1 in Japanese by hATrayflood

هنوز رتبه‌دهی نشده است

0 users

The Book of Mozilla, 15:1 in Japanese

Charset Switcher by yuoo2k

Supports to customize the Default Character Encoding for each sites.
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Results 115 of 24

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