by Handzo

9 Add-ons in this Collection

User Agent Switcher by chrispederick

The User Agent Switcher extension adds a menu and a toolbar button to switch the user agent of a browser.

Live HTTP Headers by Daniel Savard, Nikolas Co

View HTTP headers of a page and while browsing.

AutoCopy by Autocopy, Michael Lidman

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 507 reviews

4 users

Select text and it's automatically copied to the clipboard. Also pastes on middle click.

Leet Key by Roman Mironenko

Transforms typed or static text to L337, ROT13, BASE64, HEX, URL, BIN, DES, AES, Morse code, DVORAK keyboard layout and to lower/to upper case functionality, Leet Font...

View Dependencies by Florian QUEZE

View Dependencies adds a tab to the Page Info window, in which it lists all the files which were loaded to show the current page.

Grocery List Generator by Captain Caveman

The GLG (Grocery List Generator) is a helpful little tool to store your recipe-ingredients and other groceries you need regularly. It creates a well-organized grocery list to help make your grocery shopping as easy as possible.

Advanced Dork: by C-P

Advanced Dork: gives quick access to Google's Advanced Operators directly from the context menu...

BBCode by Jed Brown, mrtech

Adds BBCode, HTML, XHTML & Symbols formatting to the context menu for forums.

text/plain by Gilles Durys

Treats selected plain text urls, and email addresses as links and adds options to the context menu on how to use...

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