Hold on "Alt" key and click at message's "Sender", "Subject" or "Recipient" columns to find all messages with the similar column text. Press "Esc" to clear search and show all the messages. Similar feature is implemented in The Bat! program.
Additional features. "Alt", "Ctrl", "Shift" or middle mouse button can be used to trigger search. User defined regexp can be executed before search. Common used subject prefixes (such as Re:, Fwd:, etc.) are removed to increase search correspondence.
اطّلاعات نسخه
نسخه: 2.0
8.0 KiB
با این برنامهها کار میکند
تاندربرد 2.0 - 3.0b4
* Bug fixed: sometimes "Delete" toolbar button become disabled after search * Preferences dialog is added * Arbitrary user-defined regexp substitution is implemented * Choose of appropriate modifiers (alt, ctrl, shift) and possibility to use middle mouse button for search are added * Added simple removal of subject prefixes (such as "Re:", "Fwd:" and some others) * Added support of "Show InOut" add-on (search by "Correspondent" column) * TB 3.0b4 supported
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Please note this add-on uses legacy technology, which gives it access to all browser functions and data without requesting your permission.