Blogs & réseaux sociaux

by tuk0z

3 Add-ons in this Collection

ChatZilla by Gijs Kruitbosch, Robert Ginda, others

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 151 reviews

14,031 users

A clean, easy to use and highly extensible Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client.

Email This! by ArtSabintsev/Lazyrussian

Email This! will send your recipient the link, title, & highlighted text of the page you are viewing using GMail, Google Apps GMail, Yahoo, and Stand-Alone Mail Clients like Outlook Express, Thunderbird, & More!

Gmail Manager NG by Erik Nedwidek

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 109 reviews

0 users

Based on Gmail Manager by Todd Long. This fork is intended to a supported version of Gmail Manager since Todd appears to have gone MIA. Manage multiple Gmail accounts and receive new mail notifications.
Collector's Note Excellent add-on pour suivre un ou plus comptes Gmail. Ne gère pas l'authentification 2 étapes.

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