
by Posixru

32 Add-ons in this Collection

User Agent Switcher by chrispederick

The User Agent Switcher extension adds a menu and a toolbar button to switch the user agent of a browser.

MinimizeToTray revived by Nils Maier

Minimizes windows into the system tray.

Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus by Felix Dahlke

Fight the text ads! Element Hiding Helper is a companion extension for Adblock Plus meant to make creating element hiding rules easier.

Русский словарь проверки орфографии by Alexander Slovesnik

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 136 reviews

17,037 users

Русский словарь проверки орфографии

Session Manager by Michael Kraft

Session Manager saves and restores the state of all or some windows - either when you want it or automatically at startup and after crashes. It can also automatically save the state of open windows individually.

DownThemAll! AntiContainer by Nils Maier

Make the resources behind container pages easily downloadable by DownThemAll!

Torrent Tornado by Oleksandr

A Torrent Client for Firefox and SeaMonkey, runs everywhere, created in pure JavaScript without binary software!

Menu Wizard by Oleksandr

Customize menus : Helps removing, moving and renaming menus and menu items
Colorize important menu for ease of use! (use Style (CSS))
Change or disable any of used keyboard shortcuts
Support: Firefox, Thunderbird and SeaMonkey

Customizations for Adblock Plus by eyeo GmbH

This extension provides various customization options for the Adblock Plus user interface.

Linky by gemal

Linky will increase your power to handle links. ...

Closy by gemal

Provides close all blank/duplicate tabs and Close all tabs to the left/right plus many other options.

Google Privacy by Herrminator

Make some popular websites respect your privacy settings.
Please see the known issues below!

Link Properties Plus by Infocatcher

Provides extended link properties: size of linked file, last modified time, etc.

Tab Counter by Michael Kraft

A simple extension that counts the number of open tabs per window and displays the count in the toolbar...

Copy As Plain Text by mehtuus

Removes formatting from copied text.
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Results 115 of 32

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