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Search Results for tag "firefox57"
مرتبسازی بر حسب:
Remove all images from message with one click.
Places a "strip images" button on the toolbar of the message compose window.
Clicking the button will remove all images from the message.
This helps keep mailbox disk space down.
PopMailListRecipients 2
Expands address book lists to recipients addresses in the compose window
Text Insert: Templates/Instant Spell Check
Email composer:
*Upper case the first letter of nouns, names, or words at sentence start
*Android(TM) like spellcheck/suggest alternatives (DE, EN, ES, FR,NL)
*Insert styled text, images, tables with shortcuts
*Define shortcut-replacements.
Resize Thunderbird window width.
Set window with three widths (1/1 (1920px), 1/2 (960px), 1/3 (640px)).
July 3rd 2021.
I love God.
FileLink provider for Send
Securely encrypt and upload large attachments to any Send service instance (formerly Firefox Send).
Strip inline images
Adds a button to the compose window to remove inline images from messages. The images are replaced with their filename in angled brackets.
This is helpful when replying to long message threads with lots of embedded images.
Web Translate
The best Translator for Thunderbird!
Supported translators:
Google Translate
Microsoft Translator
Яндекс Переводчик
Google 翻译
Sort incoming mails into account folders based on the local part (based on regex)
quicker quicksearch
make searching for emails faster:
Automatically insert into the quickfilter box: the author, subject or the email domain of the selected email.
No need to retype the address, if you want to search for all emails of this author.
GCalTab is a Thunderbird add-on that opens Google Calendar website in a Thunderbird tab. It features a beautiful dark mode thanks to the DarkReader algorithm.
Quote Colors & Collapse
Configure text and background colors of quotes in mail and news messages. From up addon version 3 (Thunderbird 91) you can collapse quotes.
GrapeVine for Salesforce
Connects Thunderbird to
- Archive Emails from Thunderbird email accounts into Salesforce, automatically
- Type-Ahead search for Salesforce Contacts and Leads in compose/events
- Create Contacts/Leads in Salesforce from emails
If This, Then! - IFTTT connector
*Trigger 'If This Then That' by message filters.
E.g.: On email with the file attachment xyz.log, send from,
email body with text 'error 365', trigger action "error365" on IFTTT
IFTTT can push to web services, do home automation
vault56 protection
vault56 protection protects against potentially malicious attached files and links. Links are rewritten to pass through vault56 URL protection servers and checked for trackers and malicious activity.
Proton Calendar Toolbar Button
Adds a Proton Calendar button to the toolbar. The button simply opens a new tab with the webpage.
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.