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Freecosys - Провайдер FileLink
исходники сервера
Safelinks Offr
If Advanced security for Microsoft 365 subscribers is turned on, many links are changed to be in the form of instead of the original link.
This add-on undos that process.
Open Google Tasks (default)
Adds an icon on the spaces toolbar to quickly open the default Google Tasks page
Adds browser action icon to toolbar to open Skype. See
Custom Headers View
Display custom email headers in the mail header toolbar. This extension allows you to make visible specific headers in the toolbar, like received, date, DuckDuckGo's duck-original- headers to show the sender's email in the original format, etc.
AI Grammar
Helps you write emails with the Llama3 LLM (offline). Corrects grammar mistakes in your draft email.
Supplementary compose menus to reply to a message by including its original attachments and to create a new email to the recipients of an existing message.
Reply All Button
Add a "Reply All" button which never behaves like "Reply List". Intended to replace the Smart Reply button to avoid accidentally performing Reply List behavior.
Folder Pane Toggler
Adds a toggle button to the unified toolbar to show and hide the folder pane. This is very useful when using different tabs with different folders open, and on smaller screens, or where as much space is needed as possible. This should be part of TB
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.