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مرتبسازی بر حسب:
This AddOn offers a function of autocorrection / auto text replacement. You can save a shortcut and a replacement and it will replaced automaticly if you type your new eMail text.
Account Check
Checks account settings against those listed in the Thunderbird autoconfig database and offers to fix settings that don't match. This is the same check performed when setting up an account.
The add-on ensures that the quoted text in your reply is clearly highlighted with a vertical blue line, even when viewed by recipients using different email clients like Gmail or macOS, by using inline CSS on the blockquote HTML tag.
iCanban - Kanban with ICAL
ICAL's todo have status that are just perfect for a basic Kanban board. This extension provides it so that you can manage your tasks visually.
Mailing list filter
Mail filter search term using mailing lists (and not whole addressbooks).
ansitel Click-to-Dial MT2
Dieses Plugin ermöglicht das Wählen von markierten Rufnummern im Mozilla Thunderbird mit ansitel VoIP-Telefonanlagen. Einfach Rufnummer markieren und per Rechtsklick mit der Maus loswählen.
BorderColors D
Shows a colorful border around the "New Message" window, so you can tell different identities apart.
Builds on the original BorderColors and the "GT" version, adding different border styles.
Search for
Context menu on message allowing quick filtering based on email/sender or domain
Archive old messages
A context menu item to archive all messages than older than a given duration.
Open in browser
A context menu item to open the links associated with feed items in the default browser and then mark them as read.
Message Header Toolbar Customize
You can change icon display and button order. You can also hide unnecessary buttons.
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.