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Search Results for tag "firefox57"
مرتبسازی بر حسب:
Quickly generate mail filters on the fly, by dragging and dropping mails and analyzing their attributes. Create a filter in less than 10 seconds, it's as easy as: drag, click, click.
By popular demand, supports SORTING filters alphabetically.
Signal Spam
Ajoute une fonction pour signaler, en un clic, les e-mails que vous considérez comme indésirables ou frauduleux à Signal Spam.
L'extension vous alerte si vous consultez un e-mail contenant des liens vers un site répertorié comme frauduleux.
SmartTemplates offers an easy and powerful way to automatically create customized replies by auto-inserting various mail headers. Templates can be created for every mail identity, Stationery files can now be imported and used directly.
Magyar helyesírási szótár
A Magyar Ispell helyesírási szótár a Hunspell helyesírás-ellenőrző programhoz készített nyílt forráskódú magyar szótár.
Český slovník pro kontrolu pravopisu
Slovník pro kontrolu pravopisu pro aplikace Mozilla
Deutsches Wörterbuch, erweitert für Österreich
Deutsches Wörterbuch (neue Rechtschreibung), erweitert mit österreichischen Wörtern, für die Rechtschreibprüfung in Mozilla-Produkten
Persistent sticky notes associated to emails. You can fulltext search with constraints/email them/print/bookmark/copy to clipboard.
If you have a large screen, you can even display the notes outside of TB's main window, so it won't hide anything.
Deutsches Wörterbuch (Schweiz)
Wörterbuch mit Schweizer Varianten der deutschen Schreibungen für die Rechtschreibprüfung in Mozilla-Produkten
Archiviert E-Mails automatisch (Verbesserte Version vom "Autoarchive" Add-on)
Adds many new mail filter actions - launch a file, suppress notification, remove star or tag, mark replied or unread, copy as "read", append text to subject.
Confirm mail address and attachments based on flexible rules.
(This project was renamed from "Flex Confirm Mail" to "FlexConfirmMail", due to a branding reason.)
Grammalecte [fr] (for Thunderbird)
Correcteur grammatical dédié à la langue française. Inclus : conjugueur, formateur de texte et dictionnaires orthographiques.
G-Hub Lite
Google Tabs for Thunderbird! G-Hub Lite supports Calendar, Contacts, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Maps, Search, & Voice. Need Google Workspace support (formerly G Suite)? Check out G-Hub Pro:
Category manager for Thunderbird contacts, also allows to send an email to all members of a category (categories can be used as contact groups).
CardDAV Browser
A utility to browse vCards stored on a CardDAV server.
This version is only for Thunderbird. There is a SeaMonkey version available if needed.
Lightning Invitation Notifier | LIN
This extension is an extension to Mozilla Lightning for Thunderbird.
It shows a toast message and opens the invitations window when an invitation arrives.
Identity Chooser
Identity Chooser helps you to always use the correct identity when composing a new email.
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.