
by Hojo7

3 Add-ons in this Collection

ChatZilla by Gijs Kruitbosch, Robert Ginda, others

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 151 reviews

13,273 users

A clean, easy to use and highly extensible Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client.

Leet Key by Roman Mironenko

Transforms typed or static text to L337, ROT13, BASE64, HEX, URL, BIN, DES, AES, Morse code, DVORAK keyboard layout and to lower/to upper case functionality, Leet Font...

AutoPager by Wind Li

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 394 reviews

0 users

AutoPager automatically loads next pages when you reach the end of a page. It works on a ton of sites,Google,Yahoo..
It works well with most other add-ons adblock plus, WOT and most of the greasemonkey scripts.
You can also try AutoPagerLite.

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