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Search Results for tag "dictionary"
مرتبسازی بر حسب:
RAE dictionary lookup, unofficial version
Real Academia Española dictionary lookup.
Translate Lithuanian to English
Translate Lithuanian to English with google translate service.
Google Dictionary English-French
Search engine for Google Dictionary French <-> English.
Translate English to Danish
Translate english to danish with google translate service.
English - Estonian
English > Estonian translation with online dictionary.
CantoDict Parser
Translate a short Chinese passage (up to 250 characters) into English using the CantoDict Parser (
CantoDict - Pinyin (Mandarin)
Search CantoDict ( for a Pinyin pronunciation
The WordStash add-on adds a lookup search bar to the upper right that allows you to lookup simple definitions and save them to your WordStash account.
lingvo Français
Translate Latvian to English
Translate latvian to english with google translate service.
Linguatools Kontext-Wörterbuch Deutsch-Tschechisch
Linguatools Kontext-Wörterbuch Deutsch-Tschechisch mit mehr als 49,000 Übersetzungen und 1.3 Millionen Beispielsätzen. Enthält auch Synonyme und grammatische Information.
표준국어대사전 (Korean Standard Dictionary)
국립국어원 표준국어대사전을 검색하는 애드온(플러그인) 입니다.
It is a Korean standard dictionary(offered by National Institute of the Korean Language) search addon.
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.