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Search Results for tag "dictionary"
مرتبسازی بر حسب:
Interlingua - Spelling dictionary
Dictionario orthographic pro Interlingua.
Spelling dictionary for Interlingua.
CantoDict - Example sentences
Search CantoDict ( for an English meaning in the example sentences
Translate English to Estonian
Translate english to estonian with google translate service.
ע\ع (Ayn\Ayn) Lookup [former ע\ع Converter]
Requires Restart
GP text research tool: transliterates Arabic/Syriac/Aramaic texts to Hebrew writing system, uses Wikipedia as a dictionary utilizing ¨see in anther language¨ links. Interface to dictionaries and encyclopedias. Select a text and use the context menu.
CantoDict - Unicode value
Search CantoDict ( for a Unicode value
Русский и Узбекский словари правописания
Правописание Русских и Узбекских слов. Рус ва Ўзбекча луғатлар имло.
British-English Dictionary (GB)
A strict British-English spell checker dictionary for Firefox, Thunderbird and SeaMonkey. This dictionary only includes words conforming to the preferred standard of British-English spelling.
Ogden's Basic English Dictionary for Media
Requires Restart
A spell checker for Ogden's Basic English. Diccionario - Dictionary
Permite realizar búsquedas en el diccionario al aire libre de (especializado en actividades al aire libre, supervivencia, exploración, ecología y viajes de aventura) a través de la barra de navegación de Firefox.
Google uk define - Google internal dictionary internal dictionary search.
CT Cornish Spell-Checker - SWF
This is a spell-checker for the Cornish language in the Standard Written Form.
CantoDict - Chinese word
Search CantoDict ( for a Chinese word
Estonian - English
Estonian > English translation with online dictionary.
Diccionario de Español/Nicaragua
Diccionario de términos de Nicaragua, basado en el diccionario español internaconal, agregando soporte a nombre de ciudades y frutas, animales, plantas, referencias, echos locales y términos aceptados por RAE.
Tagalog/Filipino Dictionary
A Tagalog/Filipino Dictionary (tl) for Pale Moon, Firefox, Thunderbird, and SeaMonkey.
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.