Tb: Notes

by Aryx

4 Add-ons in this Collection

QuickNote by Leszek Życzkowski, Jed Brown, others

A simple note-taking extension.

XNote++ by opto

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 134 reviews

18,255 users

Persistent sticky notes associated to emails. You can fulltext search with constraints/email them/print/bookmark/copy to clipboard.

If you have a large screen, you can even display the notes outside of TB's main window, so it won't hide anything.

XNote by Pierre-André Galmes, nmweb, others

Persistent sticky notes for Thunderbird associated to mails...

Tag Sequence by kindai

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 3 reviews

6 users

allow you to change the tag sequence, hence change keyboard shortcuts

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