Mes modules favoris

by yazidE

19 Add-ons in this Collection

Saved Password Editor by Daniel Dawson

Adds the ability to create and edit entries in the password manager.

Password Exporter by Justin Scott (fligtar), Jorge Villalobos

This add-on allows you to export your saved passwords and disabled login hosts using XML or CSV files that can be imported later.

Note: This add-on won't work in Firefox 57. It may eventually if the APIs to access passwords are implemented.

QuickNote by Leszek Życzkowski, Jed Brown, others

A simple note-taking extension.

Menu Wizard by Oleksandr

Customize menus : Helps removing, moving and renaming menus and menu items
Colorize important menu for ease of use! (use Style (CSS))
Change or disable any of used keyboard shortcuts
Support: Firefox, Thunderbird and SeaMonkey

Download Status Bar by Szalgiris

If you are the kind of person who likes to have total control over every aspect of your downloads, "Download Status Bar" is the add-on you are looking for. Downloader (music/videos/photos @ VK) by Sergey Kolosov

Download music, videos and photos from / One-click download, natural filenames, displaying file size and bitrate for music, downloading HD video, downloading HQ photos. No spam, no usage of your account, no spyware.

Thumbnail Zoom Plus by David Adler

Shows full image when you hover over a thumbnail. Works with Amazon, Baidu Images, Bing Images, Facebook, Flickr, Google+, Google Images, IMDb, LinkedIn, Netflix, Pinterest, Reddit, Twitter, Yandex, YouTube, Wikipedia, Yahoo Images, & many more.

DOM Inspector by SeaMonkey Council

Rated 5 out of 5 stars 78 reviews

13,984 users

DOM Inspector is a tool that can be used to inspect and edit the live DOM of any web document or XUL application. The DOM can be navigated using a two-paned window displaying a variety of different views on the document and all nodes within.

Restart by Schuzak

"Restart" menu and button, with configurable shortcut key.

Private Tab by Infocatcher

Adds private tabs.

Mouse Gestures Suite by Lemon Juice

Mouse gestures for SeaMonkey & Firefox: navigate & execute commands using mouse gestures (with single mouse button) and rocker gestures (by pressing 2 mouse buttons). Also: scroll wheel navigation, page scrolling, tab scrolling.

No Small Text by Peter J. Sloetjes, MSc.

Set a minimum text size for all web content. Use the toolbar button to switch it on and off. NEW: Three preset sizes. NEW: Use mouse scroll on the toolbar button.

QuickDrag by Stevie Smith

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 324 reviews

3 users

Extends the function of the drag-and-drop mouse gesture so that it can be used to load URLs, do a web search of selected text on a page, or save an image on a page. The successor to Super DragAndGo.

Profile Buttons by Button Guy

A button to be able to open the profile folder, along with two buttons to create profiles, and also switch the current profile.

Extensor by Peter J. Sloetjes, MSc.

Quick access to add-on functions from a toolbar panel: Options, (De)Activate, Details, Home page, Review page, Donation page, Uninstall, Restart application.
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Results 115 of 19

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