Useful Addons for Web Developers

by vinay

3 Add-ons in this Collection

Closy by gemal

Provides close all blank/duplicate tabs and Close all tabs to the left/right plus many other options.

Duplicate This Tab by vinay

This add-on provides the much needed feature update of Tab Duplication to Mozilla Browsers. Features Supported include Duplication of Browser Tabs, Detaching Tabs and Merging All Windows.

Joomla! Admin by vinay

Joomla! Admin brings ease & convenience to your computer/workstation, by providing you with a ready-to-use menu options that balms your repetitive work :) Now, Go to the Administrator page or Duplicate the current tab to a new tab/window in a jiffy!!

مجموعه‌ها چیستند؟

مجموعه‌ها گروه‌هایی از افزودنی‌های مرتبط هستند که هرکس میتواند ایجاد کند و به اشتراک بگذارد.

مرور مجموعه‌ها