My Favorite Add-ons

by ecxod

7 Add-ons in this Collection

DownThemAll! by Nils Maier, Federico Parodi, others

The first and only download manager/accelerator built inside Firefox!

Provider for Google Calendar by Philipp Kewisch

Rated 3 out of 5 stars 1,661 reviews

181,204 users

Allows bidirectional access to Google Calendar

Deutsches Wörterbuch by KaiRo

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 83 reviews

247,953 users

Deutsches Wörterbuch (neue Rechtschreibung) für die Rechtschreibprüfung in Mozilla-Produkten

Dizionario italiano by flod

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 71 reviews

76,722 users

Add support for Italian to spellchecking

Telify by michael-koch4096589

Converts telephone numbers into clickable links for use with CTI applications, SIP clients, Skype, Netmeeting, snom phones, the AGFEO TK-Suite Client and SerVonic IXI-PCS.

Certificate Patrol by Carlo v. Loesch, tg(x), others

Your browser trusts many certification authorities and intermediate sub-authorities quietly, every time you enter an HTTPS web site. This add-on reveals when certificates are updated, so you can ensure it was a legitimate change.

Automatic Export by Steffen

Exportiert angegebene Kalender im Intervall oder über einen Button in 2 Modis - normal und Backup.

Die aktuelle Version ist immer auf meiner Homepage.
Hier auf der Seite dauert es nach eine neuen Veröffentlichung sehr lange.

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مرور مجموعه‌ها