Text Insert: Templates/Instant Spell Check 1.5.7
توسط opto
Email composer:
*Upper case the first letter of nouns, names, or words at sentence start
*Android(TM) like spellcheck/suggest alternatives (DE, EN, ES, FR,NL)
*Insert styled text, images, tables with shortcuts
*Define shortcut-replacements.
دربارهی این افزودنی
* If a typo is detected, let the dictionary suggest similiar words.
* Continue typing to ignore the suggestion
* Select a suggestion with arrow-down or -up, insert it by pressing arrow-right.
* (!!) The spell check is done inside TB, your words are not sent to external servers
Examples for templates/text replacement:
type br<ctrl-d>: expands to' best regards'
type mfg<ctrl-d>: expands to 'mit freundlichen Grüssen'
The replacement can be fully designed:
bold, italics, text colour, background colour, images, tables, drag and drop images from Explorer.
So, for example, 'best regards' can be followed by your name, company logo etc.
Define and design your own shortcuts.
No html knowledge needed: the addon uses visual editing. But if you like, you can set the editor to HTML editing.
Upper case letters/AutoUp:
* Automatically set the first letter of nouns and names to upper case (currently for German, English).
* Set the first letter of words after a sentence end to upper case. Different options are available in the settings.
* Strict Privacy: Your words are not sent to an online service, they are processed inside your TB
* Choose the required language in settings (currently de-DE or English)
AutoUp is inspired by Pastisman's AutoUp addon, last published in 2012. It should now also work on localised special characters (as German Umlaut or similiar in other languages).
For comments/additions/ideas, please don't 'downvote' but rather leave comments and ideas on github issues: https://github.com/opto/Text-Insert/issues