Rated 5 out of 5 stars

French then English
L'appli est géniale et je l'utilise depuis plusieurs années maintenant.Aujourd'hui, elle ne marche plus. L'onglet s'ouvre mais le contenu de la fenêtre reste complétement vide. Chose étrange, lorsque que j'affiche la page fireftp du menu "modules complémentaire" de firefox, la page de fireftp se rafraichit en arrière plan (?) mais impossible sélectionner un compte auquel se connecter (la liste déroulante est vide).
Merci d'avance pour l'aide!
PS : j'ai tout mis à jour, fireftp et firefox
PPS : la version 2.0.7 fonctionne !
This app is awesome and I use it since few years.Today, it doesn't work anymore. The fireftp's tab is just empty. A strange thing I've noticed : when I open the fireftp's menu in the plugin information's tab of firefox, the fireftp's tab refresh but is still unusable (impossible to select an account to connect with).
Thanks for support!
PS : both firefox and fireftp are updated
PPS : back to 2.0.7 make it work !

This review is for a previous version of the add-on ( 

Sorry that you've run into this issue. The new version of FireFTP is doing migration of an old account format to a new one. Unfortunately, there are some illegal characters that make it difficult to upgrade to the new format that Mozilla now requires. (specifically, the combination of trying to convert international characters and the '%' character creates problems).

If 2.0.7 isn't working for you, you can try the following:

find your profile folder, here are instructions: http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/profiles-where-firefox-stores-user-data (if you're on a Mac it'll be under: ~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles)
find the file in your profile folder called fireFTPsites.dat
remove the '%' characters found in the file.
remove any characters that start with \x,
remove any characters that might have umlauts (like ä)
install version 2.0.7 and readd the % characters back in later as needed. (not directly into the file, but via the regular FireFTP interface).
The same applies for the files you're trying to import. If you have further issues, email me http://nightlight.ws/mime/about/contact and I'll help further.

Again, sorry for the inconvenience,