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SeaMonkey Update Server Cert HotFix
Requires Restart
Adds the current Certificate used by the Official Update Server to SeaMonkey's acceptable list.
MinimizeToTray Reanimated
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MinimizeToTray Reanimated is an application mainly dedicated to Thunderbird to allow its minimization in the systray in one click. It is the update of MinimizeToTray Revived, which is not maintained anymore since the recent versions of Thunderbird.
Dictionnaire occitan languedocien
Corrector ortografic en occitan lengadocian per Thunderbird.
Correcteur ortographique en occitan languedocien pour Thunderbird.
CT Cornish Spell-Checker - SWF
This is a spell-checker for the Cornish language in the Standard Written Form.
Travel VisaHQ Widget
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Unique application for checking visa requirements and embassies search. The addon will help in planning your trip. In few seconds you can find out whether you need a visa to the country you want to visit and learn the address of your embassy.
No LDS Footnote Letters
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Removes only the superscript letters of the footnotes but leaves the links in the scriptures at - instant search
Instantly get hundreds of job offers from top Russian companies
PC City Searching plugin
Buscador de productos a la venta en la página web de PC City.
El listado mostrará todos los artículos disponibles tanto para su compra on-line como para una reserva y posterior recogida en tienda. - Search from over 100,000 Hotels Worldwide. Comprehensive tourist location information. Just enter any city name.
Search the MnPALS libraries consortium using the MnPALS Plus Discovery Tool.
Protein Data Bank
PDB Search - An Information Portal to Biological Macromolecular Structures
CantoDict - Chinese word
Search CantoDict ( for a Chinese word
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