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Wikidata search
Search plugin for Wikidata, the free knowledge base that anyone can edit.
TRAMPOS.CO Busca integrada para Firefox
Procure por vagas no TRAMPOS.CO direto do Firefox - By: EduRebecca
Dev Addict Developer Search
Search engine for developers that searches for tutorials, as well as through README's and video training sites.
Lingea Slovak-English dictionary
Dictionary - Translates both ways: Slovak <-> English
Suche auf Amazon
Mit diesem Suchwerkzeug, können Sie im gesamten Sortiment des wohl weltweit größten Online-Händlers für Bücher, DVDs, Computer, Elektronik, uvm. Suchen. Um die Suche noch komfortabler zu gestalten, werden Ihnen Suchvorschläge angezeigt.
Bokmålsordboka | Nynorskordboka
This is a search add-on to the major dictionary of Norwegian published by the Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies at the Universities of Oslo and Bergen in cooperation with the Norwegian Language Council. - Wyszukiwarka - Wyszukiwarka Internetowa (Web Search - Polish)
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