Langlang Chinese web shopping Prices Comparison 20090703

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*This article English version mainly translated by Google from it's Chinese version

1) Since the goods' info that Langlang Web site links provided, there is the form of web site cookies Daogou(a kind of promotion, that who can also earn some money from the buyer) link information (similar to the current line mode of operation of all types of promotional alliance in China). Therefore, the site links you to other shopping sites for shopping, and the successful completion of orders, the Langlang network will derive a certain degree of network recommended the commission.

2) In order to protect your rights, you can get price comparison information, direct access to the site search shopping needs. Of course, you can also click the link to support the sound of loud reading station network, so insidiously network to provide better services for everyone!

3) The search engine is the official non-Langlang provided by the I (third party) under the insidiously network search code to provide "Langlang network" search engine. All Langlang over link for Netcom to benefit, and I have nothing to do. The purpose of this engine offers, only for the convenience of massive numbers of visitors compare prices!

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