Software Search 20100225
by Julie
Search for tested and working Freeware easily, using the Search Box at the top right corner of Firefox
About this Add-on
Software Search is a search engine you may add to the engines you already have available at the Search Box of Firefox (right top corner of the browser). Software Search searches for Freeware, tested and working, as well as for software articles and troubleshooting tips.
Software Search is absolutely free from spyware, viruses, etc., and it will not change any of your system settings. It just adds one more search engine you can try and use if you like. Freeware suggestions come from the well known and very selective web site TheFreeWindows
Software Search is absolutely free from spyware, viruses, etc., and it will not change any of your system settings. It just adds one more search engine you can try and use if you like. Freeware suggestions come from the well known and very selective web site TheFreeWindows