Forecastbar Enhanced Version History

11 versions

Be careful with old versions!

These versions are displayed for reference and testing purposes. You should always use the latest version of an add-on.

Version 0.9.6 576.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.5 - 56.*, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.5a

* updated for Forecastfox 0.9.6
* name changed
* eliminated conflicts with Forecastfox - now both can be installed at the same time with no ill effects
* version bump for FF3
Works with SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.5a
View other versions

Version 429.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.5 - 3.0.*, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.5a

Changes Since

* Bumped for Forecastfox (almost complete code rewrite plus other new features)
* Choose custom sizes for images
* New localizations: Dutch (nl-NL), German (de-DE), Hungarian (hu-HU), Italian (it-IT), Korean (ko-KR), Polish (pl-PL), Russian (ru-RU), Slovak (sk-SK)
* minor bug fixes and UI improvements
Works with SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.5a
View other versions

Version 468.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 2.0.0.*, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.0

*Bumped for Forecastfox (Firefox 2 compatibility)
*now localizable (thanks to Menet)
*new French Translation (thanks to Menet) (NOTE: all other languages will still appear as English until I get them translated)
*minor bug fixes

Version 0.9.3 462.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 2.0b2, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.0

bumped for Forecastfox 0.9.3 (should fix browser crashing bug)

Version 0.9.2 700.0 KiB Works with Firefox 0.10 - 2.0, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.0

bumped for Forecastfox 0.9.2

Version 447.0 KiB Works with Firefox 0.10 - 1.5.0.*, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.0

Changes since

*Fixes radar cutoff bug regresssion

Version 447.0 KiB Works with Firefox 0.10 - 1.5.0.*, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.0

If you are seeing a radar cutoff bug after installing this extension on May 17th or 18th, please redownload now and the problem should be fixed.

Changes since
* Bumped for Forecastfox
* Fixed: update intervals over 30 minutes now work correctly
* New feature: disable Forecastfox progress meter (see Forecastfox bug 153 -

Version 464.0 KiB Works with Firefox 0.10 - 1.5.0.*

Changes Since
* Bumped for Forecastfox (doesn't crash latest nightlies and some new localizations)
* Fixed Caribbean, Hawaii and Alaska images

Version 445.0 KiB Works with Firefox 0.10 - 1.5.0.*

Changes since 0.8.5

* Fixed radar truncation bug
* Fixed error message on initial install bug

Changes since

* Bumped for Forecastfox 0.8.5
* Pause updates and update frequency are now global settings
* Reload Weather Data from context menu now works even when updates are paused
* Improved international radar options
* Radar options are now disabled if they do not exist for your location or if custom radar is selected

Version 0.8.5 445.0 KiB Works with Firefox 0.10 - 1.5.0.*

Changes since

* Bumped for Forecastfox 0.8.5
* Pause updates and update frequency are now global settings
* Reload Weather Data from context menu now works even when updates are paused
* Improved international radar options
* Radar options are now disabled if they do not exist for your location or if custom radar is selected

Version 498.0 KiB Works with Firefox 0.10 - 1.5.0.*

Please uninstall all installations of Forecastfox and Forecastfox Enhanced before installing this.

If you decide to revert to Forecastfox after installing Forecastfox Enhanced, you must first uninstall Forecastfox Enhanced.